[Nfb-greeley] Information

casey schueler cschueler1996 at gmail.com
Sun Sep 23 23:30:49 UTC 2018

Hi all! 
My apologies! I sent the minutes out a while ago, but I just realized that I was writing the email address wrong.
I sent two Emails to the fictional  address both containing some pretty important information, so I will combine the two into one. 
First, we will not be having an in person meeting this month. President JJ Aragon will send out information about a conference call.
We are on track for the vision fair on October 13th. We have heard back from some venders including Greeley Evens Transit, the Division of Vocational rehabilitation and more. 
Finally, unfortunately, we will not be able to do community fest this year due to the fact that we were not able to get , table. However, we did come up with some great ideas that we can use for next year. 
Below are the meeting minutes for august. Onece again my apologies for the lateness. 
Minutes for  8/22/2018   Start time 4:15   End, 5:00 Pm. 
Members in attendance
President Jj Aragon
Vice president Razz Terizzi
Secretary Casey Schueler
Treasurer Linda Anderson
Board member Melissa Green
Patric Davis
Diane Philipe
Treasurers report $.564.95 
I. Vision fare 
A. Location and times- Location, double tree. Date, October 13th. Times, Start, 11:00 AM. end 4:00 PM. . Venders come at 10:00 Members come at 9:30 
B. List of venders for people to contact. 
Linda: Colorado talking book library, and Audio information network 
Jj: Hyms, Voc rehab and Colorado center for the blind.
Casey: A shared vision, Google dude... Deric and DSS
Patrick: Bob, paul, and Connections 
Razz: Newsline and Garrett 
Melissa: AGA, Humanwhere Dog schools and Greeley independence center 
Dianne: GET   
C. Fond raising opportunities Braille name cards for $1.00 King supers and 50/50 raffle tickets Little  gift shop with homemade goods.
Ii. Community fest
A. Will do event
B. advertise for vision fair at community fest
C. raffle tickets and gift cards
D. name cards
E. Donations optional
Iii. State Convention
A. October 25th through October  28th Lonetree Co
B. JJ will request assistance for Casey, Jj, Razz Melissa and patric. Diane maybe. Linda will not attend due to work. 
Iv Other notes 
A. Ashley is not coming back
B. Patrick is working on web-sights 
C. Movie after vision fair

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