[NFB-Hams] got my general license

Travis Siegel tsiegel at softcon.com
Tue Nov 1 15:32:39 UTC 2022

Just for reference, I received my general license a couple weeks ago.

I got this mainly by using hamtestonline.com, and (briefly) 
hamstudy.org.  I like the interface at hamtestonline.com much better 
than hamstudy.org, but the difference is that hamstudy.org is free, so 
there is that.  I find hamtestonline.com to be more accessible though, 
and their approach of showing reading material, then offering questions 
that relate to the reading material are what made it so easy to learn 
the material.

For what it's worth, I'm currently studying for my amateur extra class 
license, and I hope to take that test as well before the end of the year.

It's hard, but I won't go into details of how hard this journey was for 
me, mostly because I don't want to get involved with discussions that 
flame anyone, my only statement on the topic will be this:

I'm highly disappointed in the complete lack of support I received from 
those who should have been supportive and helpful during this process.

The mere fact that my license finally happened because of help from 
folks in several states, (which engenders the spirit of ham radio at 
it's finest), and not from any efforts of various blindness ham 
groups/organizations means I'll forever be thankful to those multistate 
individuals.  I will not however be thankful to any blindness 
organization, because not a single one of them lifted a finger to assist 
in this process.

Other than receiving a free copy of Now your talking back in the mid 90s.

And with that said, I'm done with this topic.

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