[Nfb-hi] Support for NFB of Hawaii Newsline

Milton Ota mota at hawaii.rr.com
Fri Jun 5 07:33:06 UTC 2009

Aloha Friends and Members of the National Federation of the Blind of Hawaii:
As the NFB of Hawaii Newsline coordinator I have been asked to circulate the
WHEREAS NFB Newsline provides FREE, non-visual, customizable access to over
250 local and national newspapers, over a dozen periodicals, TV listings for
hundreds of channels, and local channel information from groups and
organizations via multiple media (phone, web, e-mail, and/or downloadable
and WHEREAS NFB Newsline is the most universal and visible service provided
through the National Federation of the Blind that can be used by the general
population of blind and visually impaired individuals of all ages whether or
not they are members of the National Federation of the Blind, the National
Federation of the Blind of Hawaii, and/or NFBH's Divisions or Chapters;
and WHEREAS maintaining and promoting NFB Newsline not only helps
print-disabled individuals in a number of key areas, but also helps the
image and reputation, in the eyes of the general public, of the National
Federation of the Blind, the National Federation of the Blind of Hawaii, and
NFBH's Divisions and Chapters;
and WHEREAS we are in tough economic times in which traditional funding
sources for services like NFB Newsline are declining just as demand for
access to timely, accurate information (for job searches, health care, and
so on) is increasing;
and WHEREAS NFB Newsline is provided state-by-state (currently 48) based on
each state's NFB Affiliate's ability to pay the associated service and
telecom charges with or without the help of outside funding sources (such as
state agencies, non-profit organizations, and so on);
THEREFORE be it resolved on this Saturday, May 16, 2009, that the National
Federation of the Blind of Hawaii's Anuenue Chapter, being assembled at a
regular meeting, do STRONGLY urge and implore the Officers and Directors of
the National Federation of the Blind of Hawaii's board to make its HIGHEST
priority the continuation of NFB Newsline in Hawaii by actively searching
for funding from organizations, agencies, groups, individuals, and so on;
and be it further resolved that we STRONGLY urge and implore the Officers
and Directors of the National Federation of the Blind of Hawaii's board to
guarantee funding for NFB Newsline in Hawaii from the National Federation of
the Blind of Hawaii's general funds for the next five (5) years should such
outside funding not appear immediately or should such outside funding be
If you are in agreement and use and enjoy NFB Newsline, I would like to ask
that you write to President Nani Fife by e-mail: nanifife at aol.com or by
calling the NFB Voice mail and leave a message indicating your name and
stating that you are in agreement with this proposal. You can also send
snail mail to:
NFB of Hawaii
P.O. box 4482
Honolulu, HI 96812
anyone responding to this message to the NFB-HI will be ignored.
Milton Ota
NFB Newsline coordinator
National Federation of the Blind of Hawaii
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