[Nfb-hi] Fw: AFB/AT&T Webinars

Milton Ota mota at hawaii.rr.com
Fri Mar 6 15:38:36 UTC 2009

AFB/AT&T Webinars
----- Original Message ----- 
From: AFB CareerConnect 
To: AFB Subscriber 
Sent: Friday, March 06, 2009 5:43 AM
Subject: AFB/AT&T Webinars

      AFB American Foundation
      for the Blind  TM   
      Expanding possibilities for people with vision loss   

AFB CareerConnect® presents two free online seminars for professionals working with children and adults with visual impairments. 

Session 1: Lifelong Learning in Career Education 
April 28, 2009, 2-3:30 pm (EST)
Dr. Karen Wolffe, Director, Professional Development and CareerConnect, will discuss the career education model, how to help move children and adults through the appropriate stages of the model, the activities and resources available to instruct children and adults with visual impairments in career education, and more.

Session 2: Determining Current and Future AT Needs 
April 29, 2009, 2-3:30 pm (EST) 
Ike Presley, Project Manager, Professional Development, will show attendees how to create a "toolbox" for success by presenting the tools needed to access and create printed and electronic information. This session will also feature professionals with visual disabilities discussing the career planning techniques and assistive technologies that have helped them compete in the workplace and advance their careers. 

Both seminars will broadcast live to your computer. For more information, and to register for one or both webcasts today, visit www.afb.org/careerconnect, or contact 888-824-2184 or careerconnect at afb.net. 

Brought to you free-of-charge through the generous support of AT&T.

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