[Nfb-hi] National Federation of the Blind Comments on Release of Large-screen Kindle

pinkhawaii at gmail.com pinkhawaii at gmail.com
Fri May 8 01:49:48 UTC 2009


I do agree with Dr. Michael  Jones that our “LEADING” organizations for the
deaf, blind and handicapped are mainly self serving charitable
organizations, without charity at all! Most do more expensive harm than good
for us, the deaf or blind.
>The organizations are senselessly suing our government to change our entire
currency to new bills with Braille imprint, even though they know that the
blind are trained to use $1.- bills and fold the rest of each higher bills
by denomination in a different manner.
 >They sue for unnecessary large  print internet compliance, when they know
about the many free talking enlargement programs such as Thunder, Magnifier,
Narrator etc., yet no one sues the  Hawaii courts or judges for having very
dilapidated none functioning foamless non compliant earphones for the
handicapped at court hearings. There is NO HELP against the many gross civil
rights violations ageist the handicapped. For that, even the handicapped
must hire attorneys and pay through their nose. Handicapped are grossly
abused by judges and attorneys alike.
>If it comes to real helpful issues for the majority of handicapped, like
free buss passes, free high speed internet connection, cheap  $10.- hearing
aids, free donated glasses, you will mostly hear the answer: “That is not
our job!” Does the law really prohibit the distribution of donated hearing
aids and  Lyon collected glasses? Than change the law!!! Why can we give
those hearing aids and glasses to other countries to target us better and
ruin our generous reputation? It is the same with the distributed $100.-
computers to the kids of our enemies, but none for us! Should Charity not
start here at home?
>Lies, that the NFB is the voice of the BLIND are ridiculous! They brag of
50,000 (blind?????) members, WHEN MOST STATES SHOW A MEMBERSHIP, even at our
State Convention, OF ONLY 10 T0 30, most of them not blind at all.
>They are bragging that we, the blind, can do everything better than the
seeing and that we do not need any help! No free buss passes, no free
internet! Yet, they are constantly begging for donations and support to fill
only a few of their own pockets.
>On advisory boards and committees our advice is ignored! We are just there
for the numbers
>Only 10% of all certified legally blind have absolutely no vision at all
and use Braille to communicate with other Braillers! The rest of us have
some very limited vision. Yet, Ho’opono supply ridiculous mandatory
blindfolds for the 90%  with limited partial vision at “certified computer
training.” Those Programs should be supervised and must show accountability
with positive results or usable knowledge. Now they only boost the income of
the unlicensed teachers of the State or Charitable Institutions. One can not
take only the administrators word for it.
>None of our 50,000  NFB members are encouraged to socialize, communicate or
educate on the Internet. >Free High Speed for all certified should be
provided to save much money on now expensive failed education. It will also
create tax paying jobs while telecommuting.
>Only about 10% of all legally deaf are totally deaf and use American Sign
Language to communicate mainly with each other. They also use the very
expensive Video Relay Service, subsidized at about $7.- for each used
minute, to mainly communicate with each other or through expensive
interpreters. The other about 90% of hearing handicapped have a difficult
time hearing or understanding and often use computers with web cams on the
internet to communicate in ASL or type.
>The video Relay Service is free to users but highly abused. To change to
computers with web cams would save the multimillion dollars now wasted often
misused Video Relay  Services, NOW SUBSIDIZED  at ABOUT $7.- for each single
MINUTE for only the 10% of the certified deaf or blind, who know  the  self
isolating American Sign Language that mainly allows them to communicate with
each other.
>With Free High Speed Internet we all can sign with our web cams for free
and save multi millions of dollars to benefit the majority in education and
communication for the home bound who can then also compete for jobs by
>Most blind can hear and most deaf can see!!! Let us not self isolate the
very few who now communicate in Braille or ASL as an accomplishment. Every
one can learn how to type! This is the key to education! Computers can even
print out Braille! Modern Internet means progress, so let us leave the horse
and buggy age behind.

We also have many enlarging and loud reading programs like Jaws and Zoom
text, only the prices must come down. Put our programmers to work! A good
example is the about $7,000.- program called   “I communicate!”  Our State
bought more than12 of them for public offices where they are hardly ever
used! “I Communicate” it is no more than the $98- Dragon Naturally Speaking
combined with the $15.-  5 DVD disk ASL program developed by Michigan State
University! So why pay $7,000.-?
With FREE High Speed, we can communicate and educate across all borders and
I wrote about 100 articles about our handicapped situations. Please give me
a job as a  fearless writer for the handicapped, and I shall save you
millions! Our great President Obama said: “CHANGE! YES WE CAN!” Please
correct me with evidence if I am wrong.
Heinz-Guenther Pink   pinkhawaii at gmail.com

Dr. Heinz-Guenther Pink
Advocate and program evaluator for the blind, deaf and handicapped.
Member: NFB Communication Council
and ATRC Advisory Council of the State
Member of Senator Chun Oakland's Deaf-Blind Task Force.
Founder: Computer College of Hawaii since 1963,     pinkhawaii at gmail.com
410 Magellan Ave. Apt.1002, Honolulu, HI. 96813 ,   Tel 808: 537-1875
On Fri, May 8, 2009 at 10:50 AM, Public Access Room
<par at capitol.hawaii.gov>wrote:


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