[Nfb-hi] Pre Convention Nikken Business and Health Maintenance Opportunity for the Blind

Gabias, Paul paul.gabias at ubc.ca
Wed May 11 19:03:14 UTC 2011

Hello Dr. Maurer, State Presidents, Chapter Presidents, other Federation
Leaders, and Federationists, 


I am looking for blind people who:

*	Are Visionaries,
*	Have unstoppable dreams,
*	Like working with people,
*	Are persistent,
*	Are self starters,
*	Are team builders,
*	Are prepared to invest in, and work for:
*	More health, 
*	More money, 
*	More time, 
*	More freedom.  


Could you please circulate this message widely, to help me find such
entrepreneurial health conscious blind  people. 


I will be at the National Convention in Orlando this summer.  For the
last 11 years, I have been working with a company called Nikken, to help
people gain more control over their health, their income, their time and
their freedom.  This is not a job opportunity.  This  is a business
opportunity, where your most important asset is your belief in yourself
and your ability to find like minded people.  


Nikken's Mission is to "inspire individuals to discover a whole new way
of life and provide them the opportunity to live it by changing their
lives through improved health and financial well-being."  


I am looking for people who would be prepared to help me expand Nikken's
mission to their friends, their acquaintances, their neighborhood and
beyond, one person at a time.   


Nikken maintains a sponsorship, professional or support relationship
with numerous scientific, medical and charitable organizations
worldwide.  The company has also been acknowledged as a leader in
helping to promote a healthy society.  In 2008, Nikken received a
Presidential Call to Service Award.  


 Presidential Call to Service Award 


Nikken has been recognized by the President of the United States for
supporting a Healthy Society.


In 2008 the company was honored with the President's Call to Service
Award.  This distinction acknowledges the participation of Nikken
toward, in its words, "building a culture of service, citizenship, and
responsibility." The award is conferred by the President's Council on
Service and Civic Participation, given to individuals and groups in
appreciation for serving the community and country.


Please take the time to become acquainted with and to circulate this
message to other Federationists and your friends.  Also, please watch
and listen to the 15 minute video below.  I would appreciate your
comments and your interest in any aspect of Nikken that might be
meaningful to you.      


I am looking   for interest in what my team and I are doing to expand
Nikken's Mission, before the Convention, so that by the Convention,
there can be core groups of Federationists, in different states,  who
know enough to know that they want to know more.  


For more information about the health and business opportunities that
Nikken provides, before the convention, people can  email me at: 
pgabias at gabiaswellness.com 


People  can also phone me at: 1(250)491-7256 or toll free at:


To watch the video, please go to: 



All the best,


Paul Gabias, Ph.D., LL.D.

 Certified International Gold


Wellness Home Consultant






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