[Nfb-hi] FW: Reminder- iPhone Club

Milton Ota mota1252 at gmail.com
Wed Mar 6 20:33:31 UTC 2019



From: Abe, Gavan <GAbe at dhs.hawaii.gov> 
Sent: Wednesday, March 6, 2019 2:33 PM
Subject: Reminder- iPhone Club 


Another friendly reminder from Stacie for the March iPhone Club.


Aloha all,

I want to start by saying thank you to all the staff, volunteers and
attendees for making iPhone club so successful. 


Now, the next iPhone club will be on March 11 at 3-4 PM in the Ho`opono
conference room.  The topic will be on how to get organized and the uses of
the Calendar and reminder apps.


Those who wish to have one-on-one instruction on the basics of how to use
voice Over, please call me at (808) 954-1572 by Thursday, March  7 to ensure
a volunteer will be available.

Hope to see you all there!





Gavan Abe

Community Services Coordinator/Ticket to Work Coordinator

DHS/Division of Vocational Rehabilitation/Ho`opono Services for the Blind


1901 Bachelot Street

Honolulu, HI 96817

(808) 586-5271- direct

(808) 586-5311- fax

gabe at dhs.hawaii.gov <mailto:gabe at dhs.hawaii.gov>  


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