[Nfb-idaho] Fw: Urgent Legislative Call to Action!

Ramona Walhof rwnfbi at qwest.net
Thu Apr 30 23:47:50 UTC 2009

New Page 1Here is a message from the Greater Boise Chamber of Commerce.  It has a lot of information and strategy about the current transportation issues in the Legislature, plus asking us to write the Editor and Legislators about it.  

We are all affected by the condition of our roads and highways.  Further, there will be no support for public transit unless we get past this problem.  The recommended tax doesn't take effect until 20011 and 2012.  I think this is germain to our goals and that many of you would find it useful.  
----- Original Message ----- 
From: Boise Metro Chamber 
To: Ms. Ramona Walhof 
Sent: Thursday, April 30, 2009 1:24 PM
Subject: Urgent Legislative Call to Action!

Urgent Legislative Call to Action! 

The Boise Metro Chamber of Commerce urges our members to contact their legislators and write to their newspapers to express their opinions today! 

The Idaho Legislature is currently embroiled in a political battle over the fate of the Governor's proposed transportation funding package.  Many legislators side with the Governor in the belief that the state's transportation funding deficit must be addressed now or we will just be pushing the responsibility and greater costs onto our children and grandchildren.  Others believe that, in this time of economic distress, now is not the time to raise taxes and fees to increase infrastructure funding.

The court of public opinion is important, and legislators opposing investment in transportation point to letters to the editor and email from their constituents for proof of their support.  It is important that those of us who share the Governor's understanding of the vital role transportation plays in the safety of our citizens and the productivity of our economy share our opinions with legislators as well.  We need to get the message out forcefully and quickly.

As a result, we are asking you - as an individual - to take the time to write a letter to the editor of your local paper or directly to your legislators (see email addresses below) supporting a plan for the delayed implementation of a 3 cent fuel tax increase that will be effective in July 2011 and another 3 cent increase effective in July 2012.  Some legislators are dismissing letters they get from groups, individuals, or companies who support such funding, criticizing them as a vested interest, so our call to action is for our members to weigh in as individuals.

Idaho Statesman: editorial at idahostatesman.com

Idaho Press Tribune: https://secure.townnews.com/shared-content/perform/?domain_name=idahopress.com&form_template=letter2editor 

We must reinforce with our legislators that the support for restoring and preserving our transportation system comes from individual citizens, not just business owners, engineers, or contractors. We all depend on a safe, efficient, and well-maintained transportation system to support our daily activities. Therefore, we must urge them to return to work and address this critical problem. The bullet points below are provided for your use. 

We encourage you to act quickly and to ask others - coworkers, employees, family, etc. - to do so as well.

  a.. The Idaho fuel tax and registration fees have not been increased since 1996. 
  b.. Idaho currently ranks 34th nationally in registration costs, 22nd in fuel tax costs, and 32nd in total costs. This low-level investment is directly tied to the deterioration of our transportation system. 
  c.. The annual funding deficit for improvement and maintenance of Idaho's roads and highways is $240,000,000.00. This number comes from the work of the bipartisan Forum on Transportation Investment completed in 2005 and adjusted for inflation. 
  d.. It is estimated that $10.00 on every vehicle registration would generate $12 million in new revenue; a 1-cent-per-gallon increase on fuel tax generates $9 million and each 10 percent increase on DMV fees generates $1.7 million. 
  e.. The average Idahoan drives 12,000 miles per year in a car that averages 20 miles per gallon. At those numbers, an increase in the fuel tax by 10 cents would cost the average Idahoan $60.00 per year or $5.00 per month. An increase of 2 cents would cost the average Idahoan $12.00 per year or $1.00 per month. 
  f.. According to a report released by TRIP, a Washington DC transportation think tank, driving on roads in need of repair costs Idaho's motorists $311 million - $318 per driver - annually in extra vehicle operating costs, including accelerated vehicle depreciation, additional repair costs and increased fuel consumption and tire wear. This annual impact cost of repairs and maintenance due to the deteriorated transportation system is many times the requested investment. 
  g.. The Legislature's Office of Performance Evaluation performance audit of the Idaho Transportation Department demanded primarily by the House of Representatives last year and approved by the entire Legislature and Governor Otter resonates with one key fact: "Idaho's transportation system is deteriorating and the current levels of funding cannot sustain it." 
  h.. Though the Legislature has approved the spending authority GARVEE and federal stimulus dollars, this is not enough. Federal stimulus funds are one-time, and GARVEE projects will be finished in a few years. Idaho will continue to face a significant shortfall in transportation funds for maintenance. 
  i.. Idaho's traffic fatality rate is 18 percent higher than the national average. 
  j.. 19 percent of Idaho's bridges show significant deterioration. 
  k.. 67 percent of the $28.5 billion in products shipped annually from sites in Idaho are transported on highways and another 6 percent are carried by courier services. 
  l.. 76 percent of goods shipped annually to sites in Idaho are carried by trucks reliant on a safe and efficient system. 
  m.. Idaho's investment in road, highway, and bridge repairs and improvements will drop significantly in 2011, 2012 and 2013 as the stimulus package and GARVEE bond program concludes. 
  n.. By 2013, Idaho's road, highway, and bridge construction expenditures will be approximately two-thirds of the 2009 level. 
  o.. 25 precent of Idaho's major roads and highways have pavement in poor or mediocre condition. 
  p.. In a one-year period from February 2008 to February 2009, 6,600 additional Idahoans involved in construction lost their jobs. Conversely, studies from around the country show that, at a minimum, a $1 investment in transportation infrastructure generates a $2 return on that investment in the form of high-paying jobs, materials purchases and other positive effects. Many studies show that return rate at $7 or $8. 

Senator John McGee   jmcgee at senate.idaho.gov 

Senator Patty Ann Lodge plodge at senate.idaho.gov 

Senator Curt McKenzie cmckenzi at senate.idaho.gov 

Senator Melinda Smyser msmyser at senate.idaho.gov 

Senator Chuck Winder  cwinder at senate.idaho.gov 

Senator John Andreason jandreas at senate.idaho.gov 

Senator Les Bock lbock at senate.idaho.gov 

Senator Elliot Werk  ewerk at senate.idaho.gov 

Senator Kate Kelly  kkelly at senate.idaho.gov 

Senator Nicole LeFavour  nlefavour at senate.idaho.gov 

Senator Shirley McKague smckague at senate.idaho.gov

Senator Russ Fulcher  rfulcher at senate.idaho.gov 

Rep. Marv Hagedorn mhagedorn at house.idaho.gov 

Rep. Ann Pasley-Stuart aps at house.idaho.gov 

Rep. Brian Cronin bcronin at house.idaho.gov 

Rep. Branden Durst bdurst at house.idaho.gov 

Rep. Phylis King pking at house.idaho.gov 

Rep. Bill Killen  bkillen at house.idaho.gov 

Rep. Susan Chew schew at house.idaho.gov 

Rep. Grant Burgoyne gburgoyne at house.idaho.gov 

Rep. Elfreda Higgins  ehiggins at house.idaho.gov 

Rep. Lynn Luker lluker at house.idaho.gov 

Rep. Max Black mblack at house.idaho.gov 

Rep. Carlos Bilbao cbilbao at house.idaho.gov 

Rep. Darrel Bolz   dbolz at house.idaho.gov 

Rep. Pat Takasugi   ptakasugi at house.idaho.gov 

Rep. Brent Crane   bcrane at house.idaho.gov 

Rep. Steve Thayn   sthayn at house.idaho.gov 

Rep. Robert Shaefer   rschaefe at house.idaho.gov 

Rep. Gary Collins   gcollins at house.idaho.gov 

Rep. Steve Kren   skren at house.idaho.gov 

Rep. Raul Labrador   rlabrador at house.idaho.gov 

Rep. Mike Moyle   mmoyle at house.idaho.gov 

Rep. Rich Jarvis   rjarvis at house.idaho.gov 

Rep. Cliff Bayer   cbayer at house.idaho.gov 




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