[Nfb-idaho] Braille Coin Celebration

Susan Bradley craftisue at hotmail.com
Tue Mar 31 18:52:22 UTC 2009

Hi Everyone

I just wanted to let you know we had a wonderful celebration here in Idaho launching the Louis Braille Commemorative Coin.  We were able to connect our celebration to our 2009 NFB of Idaho Convention.  Tammy Perkins from the Governors office brought a proclamation from the Governor and read it.  We also had a proclamation from the Mayor of Boise Idaho that was read.  Our National Representative, Parnell Diggs, from South Carolina read a resolution.  We had two members of the media there representing KTVB Channel 7 and NPR KBSU radio.  Our President, Elsie Dickerson and I were both interviewed.  We unveiled the coin and everyone applauded.  We had several speakers talk about what Braille means to them in their life and wrapped it up with singing Happy Birthday Louis Braille and Ode to the code.  We served cookies and punch and coffee.  All in all it was a wonderful afternoon. 

The Louis Braille Commemorative Coin can be purchased from the US Mint at www.usmint.gov or by calling 1-800-USA-MINT and the prices are as follows:
Proof before April 27 $37.95 after April 27 $41.95
Uncirculated before April 27 $31.95 after April 27 $33.95
Uncirculated in an Easy-Open Capsule
Before April 27 $31.95 after April 27 $33.95
The difference between the proof and uncirculated is that the proof is double stamped and the image will be sharper.


Susan Bradley

NFBI First Vice President

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