[Nfb-idaho] Fwd: Snake river chapters Agenda notes for Novenber

Sean Malone shaldarr01 at gmail.com
Sun Jan 10 19:27:14 UTC 2016

Sent from my iPhone

Begin forwarded message:

> From: EvaMarie Sanchez <3rdeyeonly at gmail.com>
> Date: January 10, 2016 at 11:40:56 AM MST
> To: David Jolley <k7dv.dave at gmail.com>
> Cc: Carla Teczon <carlateczon at yahoo.com>, Ginger Sanchez <gingerweasley at live.com>, Heidi Kneip <navigannie at yahoo.com>, Jason Bernert <1blinddragon at gmail.com>, Kevin Pernie <kspirnie at gmail.com>, Larry Bateman <LarryBateman at cableone.net>, Larry Dickerson <larrydickerson48 at ymail.com>, Lynn Kneip <lekneip at gmail.com>, Randy Bloxham <n7unz at cableone.net>, Sandy Streeter <streeter.sandy at gmail.com>, Sean Malone <shaldarr01 at gmail.com>, Sylvia Bernert <sylverwings1 at gmail.com>, Wanda Jolley <jolleywandaa at gmail.com>
> Subject: Re: Snake river chapters Agenda notes for Novenber
> Good morning and Happy New Year.
> I am looking for some help and thought of you all as a good resorce.
> Presently I am in school getting my masters degree at the Institute of Development and Research on Blindness at Louisiana Tech University. I have an assignment of which I need to interview individuals who have received Vocational rehabilitation services and have not attended comprehensive training. I only have three questions to ask and am hoping that someone there would be able to answer these for me.
> I will paste the questions here, but if someone would rather call me and talk in person (sort of ), that would be fine. My number is (208)339-2430. I would love to hear from y'all and know what is going on there and would greatly appreciate any help I could get with this assignment. Being in Ruston, Louisiana, everyone here has gone through the Louisiana Center for the Blind.
> Again, thank you. The questions follow.
> (1) What sort of goals did you have when you first began receiving rehabilitation services?
> (2) How has rehabilitation services helped you?
> (3) What services do you wish you had received?
> Stay warm and Blessed, Eve Sanchez
>  President, National Federation of the Blind Northern Arizona
> President, National Federation of the Blind Writers' Division
> Member, Slate & Style Editing Team
> Editor, Tapestry, a TAWN publication 
> "You do not need to have vision to see the stars."
>> On Tue, Jan 6, 2015 at 4:58 PM, David Jolley <k7dv.dave at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Minutes for November 8, 2014
>> Meeting was called to order by Sandy Streeter, President at 10:45 a.m.. A prayer was offered by Larry Bateman. 
>> Treasurer’s report was read and approved.  Our beginning checking account balance was $1,259.01 and ending balance $1,968.38.  Minutes from October’s meeting were read and approved with minor corrections.  Sandy reported that was have been asked to send our minutes and treasurer’s report to the state president.  It was decided to send the minutes monthly. Howeveer, chapter members do not wish to send our treasurer’s report.  A motion was made by Wanda Jolley to send the Minutes to Elsie Dickerson, Affiliae President, in c/o Larry Dickerson. Elsie requested that these reports be sent to her husband’s e-mail address.  This motion was seconded by Vickie Bateman and passed. 
>> We talked about the upcoming Christmas party the chapter is hosting for blind children.  Vickie Bateman had several suggestions for craft activities for the kids to do.  Sandy was concerned that we needed to be aware of our space as we planned these activities.  Wanda suggested that we limit the activities to six.  Everyone agreed.  Sylvia Bernert suggested that we ask each family to give $5.00 which would be donated to needy families.  Sandy said she would be uncomfortable asking people to bring money since this is our first year to do this party.  She said maybe we could ask them to bring a food item that could be donated to the food bank, etc.  Vickie mentioned having some kind of small frame for a picture that the kids could take home for their tree.  Time was taken for everyone to see the decorating items which Sandy had brought to give us some ideas.  The party will be December 13th from 11 to 1.  We decided to use holiday bags instead of stockings for Santa to give the children.  Sandy asked Vickie, Sylvia, and Katy to work on the activities.  Each chapter member should bring treats such as, 2 dozen cookies, fudge, etc. Wanda and Dave will bring a tray of goodies from Sam’s Club or wherever.  Vickie will be additional items that the Chapter will be purchasing.   Kevin mentioned we might get club sandwiches.  We will follow up with Nancy Luthy regarding Santa’s availability. 
>> Our National office will be sending out braille letters from Santa again this year.  Kids who want to receive a letter need to be registered on the nfb.org website between November 17 and December 19.  They will receive a braille letter, activity pages, and a recipe. 
>> Voting is now accessible online to blind Maryland residents. 
>> Student loan information is now accessible to the blind through the U.S. Department of Education websites. 
>> NFB scholarship applications are now available at scholarship.nfb.org. 
>> Bid for Equality auction is November 28th.
>> Giving Tuesday is December 2nd. 
>> Fred Schroeder has resigned from our national board
>> We thank the Bateman’s for refreshments this month.  The Pirnie’s will bring them in January.  In January we will fill out the refreshment calendar for the rest of the year. 
>> Katy moved and Wanda seconded that the meeting be adjourned.  Motion passed and meeting was adjourned. 
>> Respectfully submitted, Dave Jolley

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