[Nfb-idaho] FW: Idaho Transit Survey

Dana Ard Danalynard at q.com
Sat Nov 19 14:03:19 UTC 2016

This is exciting and very important! I will be contacting ITD and others to develop partnerships around this statewide transportation effort for the NFBI. Please take the survey. Thank you.

From: Krista Kramer <krista at dacnw.org>
Date: Friday, November 18, 2016 at 2:38 PM
To: Joseph Thompson <joet at uidaho.edu>
Subject: Fwd: Idaho Transit Survey



Please share this with the NFB members. 




Subject: Idaho Transit Survey


Did you know…The Idaho Transportation Department (ITD) is launching a statewide effort to plan for the future of Idaho’s public transportation systems. Working with the public, regional transportation planning organizations, and transit providers, planning will occur at both statewide and local levels. These transportation plans will facilitate mobility for the citizens of Idaho as well as visitors to the state, helping to build our economy by getting workers to jobs, and consumers to markets.


You can take the survey here. <http://idahotransitsurvey.com/> 


The link below will provide more information on how to get involved…

http://us14.campaign-archive1.com/?u=e0fb381745702f498c6cdd3ce <http://us14.campaign-archive1.com/?u=e0fb381745702f498c6cdd3ce&id=54e17adadc&e=7f4fd90b4f> &id=54e17adadc&e=7f4fd90b4f


Have a great day!


Jenny Hemly | Business Attraction Specialist

Idaho Commerce

700 W State Street, Boise, Idaho 83702

Office: 208.334.2470

 <http://commerce.idaho.gov/> New-Idaho-Commerce-LogoDirect: 208.287.3169   

 <mailto:jenny.hemly at commerce.idaho.gov> jenny.hemly at commerce.idaho.gov





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