[Nfb-idaho] I think we should complete as many voter surveys as we can so am passing this on. FW: 2016 Voter Experience Survey Link and Hard Copy

Judy Jones Judy.Jones at icbvi.idaho.gov
Tue Oct 25 17:53:03 UTC 2016

Larry Henrie passed this on to all the staff as well.


-----Original Message-----
From: Nfb-idaho [mailto:nfb-idaho-bounces at nfbnet.org] On Behalf Of Dana Ard via Nfb-idaho
Sent: Tuesday, October 25, 2016 11:33 AM
To: NFB of Idaho Discussion List
Cc: Dana Ard
Subject: [Nfb-idaho] I think we should complete as many voter surveys as we can so am passing this on. FW: 2016 Voter Experience Survey Link and Hard Copy



From: Larry Henrie [mailto:Larry.Henrie at icbvi.idaho.gov] 
Sent: Tuesday, October 25, 2016 7:47 AM
To: Dana Ard (Danalynard at q.com) (Danalynard at q.com)
Cc: Sharon Henderson
Subject: FW: 2016 Voter Experience Survey Link and Hard Copy


Good morning, Scott Hoover requested that I post this voting survey to our website and let people know about it. I am forwarding this on to you both. I feel this is an important component to our voting experience In a couple of weeks. Please let me know if you have any questions.


Larry Henrie


From: Scott Hoover [mailto:scott at disabilityrightsidaho.org] 
Sent: Monday, October 24, 2016 12:02 PM
To: Larry Henrie
Cc: Beth Cunningham
Subject: FW: 2016 Voter Experience Survey Link and Hard Copy


Hi Larry,


Earlier this year, DisAbility Rights Idaho agreed to participate in this very important national voter experience survey


SABE has finally released the details of what they hope to get from the survey and how to refer people to participate.  Here are the details!


Can you help facilitate getting the voter survey circulated amongst the ICBVI community?  that would be GREAT!


We have attached it (or will be soon) to our own website as a link and encourage ICBVI to do the same if possible…


Thanks Larry…


Let me know if you have any questions/comments/feedback …







From: Essie Pederson [mailto:essie.pederson at gmail.com] 
Sent: Monday, October 24, 2016 9:28 AM
To: Alisha Williams <awilliams at advocacyla.org>; Anne Fracht <annefracht5 at gmail.com>; Ashley Steffen <asteffen at mpas.org>; Barbara Ibanez <barbara.ibanez at state.nm.us>; Bryon Murray <bryonmurray2000 at gmail.com>; Carol Stachurski <carols at disabilityrightsflorida.org>; Cheryl Jansen <Cherylj2 at equipforequality.org>; Christiane Winslow <cwinslow at declasi.org>; Dana Farmer <danaf at disabilityrightsflorida.org>; Eric Treat <Eric.treat at swbell.net>; Essie Pederson <essie.pederson at gmail.com>; Esther Harlow <eharlow at droregon.org>; Geoffrey Collver <gcollver at disabilityrightsohio.org>; Helen Charland <helen.charland at drny.org>; Ilias Savakis <isavakis at thegao.org>; James Tucker <jtucker at adap.ua.edu>; John Romer <john.romer at hamiltondds.org>; Julia Freeman-Woolpert <juliaf at drcnh.org>; Julianna Huerena <prinzjana17 at gmail.com>; Kara Ayers <kara.ayers at cchmc.org>; Kelsey Loschke <kelseyl at disabilityrightstn.org>; Kristina Majewski <kmajewski at uls-dc.org>; Leslie Paull <Leslie.paull at dodd.ohio.gov>; Lou Ann Blake <LBlake at nfb.org>; Mairose, Diana <diana.mairose at hamiltondds.org>; Mary Cerretti <mary.cerretti at drwi.org>; Michelle Bishop <michelle.bishop at ndrn.org>; Mitchell Levitz <Mlevitz3b at optimum.net>; Nancy Ward <nancyward50 at gmail.com>; Renaldo Fowler (rfowler at azdisabilitylaw.org) <rfowler at azdisabilitylaw.org>; Sara Wolff <swolff at ndss.org>; Sarah Podber <sarah.podber at drny.org>; Scott Hoover <scott at disabilityrightsidaho.org>; Shirley Walker <swalker at drms.ms>; Shunette Hunter <shunetteh at drwi.org>; Stephanie West <stephanie at drckansas.org>; Teresa Moore <MooreAdvocacy at hotmail.com>; Tia Marie Nelis <tianelis at uic.edu>; Tom M. Masseau <TMasseau at disabilityrightsar.org>; Tracy Wright <TracyW at mdlclaw.org>; Vanessa Quick <vquick at ndss.org>
Subject: 2016 Voter Experience Survey Link and Hard Copy


Dear VAAC Members:


Thank you all for agreeing to work with SABE to collect the 2016 Voter Experience Surveys.  I have attached a hard copy of the survey and an "article" and a "competition press release" you can personalize and place on your website, newsletter, etc. about the survey with internet links.  Survey collection begins on November 8, 2016. We now have 22 states working on this campaign!


You  have all agreed to collect a minimum of 100 surveys by January 1, 2017.   If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact me at (513) 623-2566 or essie.pederson at gmail.com .  Self advocacy organizations in your state continue to be one of your best resources to collect surveys.  The internet link to the survey is:  <https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/2016VoterExperienceSurvey> https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/2016VoterExperienceSurvey


A few months ago we sent out an email about a "collection competition" for the self advocacy groups.  For the collection competition, the state self advocacy team with the most completed surveys will be recognized by SABE, the national Self Advocacy organization. They will have an article written about their state team partnership with their P&A organization and other community partners in the SABE Nation newsletter. This would appear on the GoVoter page of the <http://www.sabeusa.org/>   <http://www.sabeusa.org/> www.sabeusa.org website and be recognized in our Voter Project.  


We are very excited about the information we will be able to collect on a national and statewide level.  Let's work together to keep the momentum going to collect this very important information.


Best regards,





Essie Pederson, Partnership Liaison

Self Advocates Becoming Empowered

NTAC for Voting and Cognitive Access
5242 Sunrise View Circle
Liberty Township, OH 45044



The purpose of the National Technical Assistance Center on Voting and Cognitive Access is to investigate issues around voting for people with disabilities; and, to provide technical assistance to improve their voting experiences and increase the number of voters.  In addition, the Center supports the efforts of the Protection and Advocacy (P&A) organizations to build partnerships with Self Advocacy organizations to educate people with disabilities about their voting rights. For more information go to  <http://www.govoter.org/> www.govoter.org .


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