[Nfb-idaho] Update Regarding Open Mic At State Convention

Chris Jones clj53787 at gmail.com
Sun Feb 19 21:52:35 UTC 2017

Dear Listers:

This is Chris Jones, President of the Central Idaho Chapter.  President Dana
Ard has asked me to host this upcoming Open Mic activity on Friday evening,
March 24, 2017 during our State Convention.  Please encourage anyone who may
be interested to contact me regarding showcasing their talents by calling my
cell at (208) 308-8876 or by e-mailing me at clj53787 at gmail.com.

This year, all participants will have an initial opportunity to do something
and, when everyone has completed there presentations, we may grant
opportunities for people to perform again.

I understand everyone is busy, but I would appreciate some response to this
note, as I would like to create a list so that everyone has a chance to

Please share this information with chapter members or contacts who do not
have e-mail access.

The deadline for contacting me will be midnight on Monday, March 6, 2017.

You may be a musician or vocalist, dramatic or literary reader, comedian or
such other talent.

You may be a beginner or very advanced.  Our emphasis is on blind and
visually impaired chapter members, but certainly we have some members who
are, as Judy and I like to affectionally call them,"light dependent" members
and friends of the Federation, who are similarly encouraged to join in

Please get in touch and let's plan an exciting Friday evening event.

Yours in the Federation,

Chris Jones

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