[NFB-Idaho] Thinking out loud about NFB-Idaho participation in organizing and supporting the 2019 NFB Convention

Ramona Walhof walhoframona at gmail.com
Wed Aug 1 15:30:57 UTC 2018

Don, before her retirement Mary Ellen Jernigan was one of the principle
convention planners.  Now that mark Riccobono is the primary convention
planner and we will be at a new hotel, he will assign somebody to provide
hotel information.  I am sure that he and John Berggren and probably others
have visited the hotel, but have not yet written the description.  If you
think you can help, contact him.  If he has already assigned somebody to do
it, he will let you know.  If not, he might be glad to have a volunteer.  I
am sure there are maps of the Mandalay Bay online, but it might be necessary
to visit to get the best information.  The NFB of NV has its state
convention in the fall, but don't remember exactly when or where.  From time
to time we have sent a group from Idaho to NV conventions, but that would
depend on conflicts, of course. I think I remember seeing an invitation from
NV President Terry Rupp inviting people, but apparently did not write down
the details.   

-----Original Message-----
From: NFB-Idaho [mailto:nfb-idaho-bounces at nfbnet.org] On Behalf Of Donald
Winiecki via NFB-Idaho
Sent: Tuesday, July 31, 2018 7:22 PM
To: NFB of Idaho Discussion List <nfb-idaho at nfbnet.org>
Cc: Donald Winiecki <dwiniecki at handid.org>
Subject: [NFB-Idaho] Thinking out loud about NFB-Idaho participation in
organizing and supporting the 2019 NFB Convention

There was mention at our July meeting that the Idaho chapter(s) of NFB will
be called upon to help with organizing and running the 2019 Convention in
Las Vegas.

One small benefit of having the convention in Orlando for so many years was
being able to re-use resources that had been created to help people navigate
in the convention center there.  One particular part of these resources is
the long description of the Orlando hotel, that was written by Mary Ellen
Jernigan and available at the following URL <
https://nfb.org/convention/2018/agenda/navigating-the-hotel>.  Alison Steven
and Scott Pearl at ICBVI have both remarked how well that description helped
them navigate the hotel in Orlando.

Does anyone here know if there is a similar description of the Mandalay Bay
hotel in Las Vegas?

If there is no such thing, creation of that description is something I could
produce, or help produce.  Of course, this would require a bivouac to the
hotel itself in order to do the necessary background research! (No, I am not

With all of that in mind, I wonder if NFB makes resources available for such
trips in service of supporting the Convention?


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