[NFB-Idaho] meeting for blind people to connect during this pandemic

president at nfbidaho.org president at nfbidaho.org
Mon Apr 6 01:13:01 UTC 2020

TJ Squires is helping me set up a Zoom meeting at 1:00 PM Tuesday April 7
for NFB members and other interested blind people to catch up on how you are
doing with the challenges of the pandemic. If you have never done a zoom
meeting before and you want to use the phone to dial in, I suggest you use
the dial in number 301 715-8592. The meeting id is 934 806 174 and the
required password is 007 280. TJ has included instructions for using a
computer or smart phone to get on the call. If you have computer or Smart
Phone questions, contact Tj at tj at tjsquires.net. I can help with calling in
by phone. Please pass this information on to any blind person or family of a
blind person that might be interested. We will discuss topics and times for
future calls. TJ's message follows:




Come join the NFB of Idaho on Tuesday afternoon at 1:00 PM mountain time for
a general check up!  We would like to know how you are doing during the
pandemic and give everyone an opportunity to converse for an hour about


You can join either via the zoom app on your PC, mac, iOS or Android device
or by dialing in through the telephone.  Here is the meeting information.
Note: as of April 4th, Zoom is requiring a password to join meetings; you
will need both the meeting ID and the password to join.  Clicking on the
link provided will automatically input the information into the zoom app for
you if you choose to join that way.


Topic: Blind of Idaho Catch Up

Time: Apr 7, 2020 01:00 PM Mountain Time (US and Canada)


Join Zoom Meeting



Meeting ID: 934 806 174

Password: 007280


One tap mobile

+13462487799, 934806174# US (Houston)

+17207072699,,934806174# US (Denver)


Dial via phone by your location

        +1 346 248 7799 US (Houston)

        +1 720 707 2699 US (Denver)

        +1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago)

        +1 646 558 8656 US (New York)

        +1 253 215 8782 US

        +1 301 715 8592 US

Meeting ID: 934 806 174

Password: 007280


If you need any help, feel free to send me an email and I'll help get you up
and going prior!




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