[NFB-Idaho] passing on important information about the upcoming Washington seminar, please share with chapter members

President NFBIDAHO pres.nfbidaho at gmail.com
Thu Jan 14 15:28:49 UTC 2021

Tonight there will be a training on the 4 issues for Washington Seminar. I
will paste the schedule for additional trainings copied from the Presidents'
Notebook. If you want to speak, please try to take advantage of one of these
trainings. Also please review the factsheets that Sandy Streeter sent out.
They are posted at nfb.org/Washington seminar fact sheets. I will resend her
email with the direct links to chapter presidents. Thank you.

Critical Actions:

Washington Seminar Fact Sheets and Adjustment to Training Schedule:

Thanks to everyone who participated in last week's Washington Seminar
training. The fact sheets for this year's Washington Seminar issues (
n-seminar-agenda/fact-sheet-access> Access Technology Affordability Act,
n-seminar-agenda/fact-sheet-medical-device> Medical Devices Nonvisual
Accessibility Act,
n-seminar-agenda/fact-sheet-accessible-websites-act> Accessible Websites
n-seminar-agenda/fact-sheet-accessible> Accessible Voting Act) are now
posted to our website. Please note that we have made an adjustment in the
2021 Washington Seminar training schedule. The training on the new
appointment and rankings tool has now been rescheduled to Tuesday, January
26, at 8:00 p.m. In addition, we are adding two more optional meetings where
you can learn about the legislative issues for the 2021 Washington Seminar.
The first of these trainings will be this Thursday, January 14, and the
second will be Tuesday, January 19. Meeting presenters are encouraged to
attend at least one of these two meetings. The full schedule is below:


Thursday, January 14, 8:00 p.m. eastern - General issue review and questions
- open to all meeting presenters

Tuesday, January 19, 8:00 p.m. eastern - General issue review and questions
- open to all meeting presenters

Thursday, January 21, 8:00 p.m. eastern - Final issue review and mock

Tuesday, January 26, 8:00 p.m. eastern - Meeting appointments and
appointment tool

Thursday, January 28, 8:00 p.m. eastern - Zoom moderator training


The Zoom link for all meetings is  <https://zoom.us/j/7567531013>


Note that members are encouraged to attend only one of the two general issue
review and question meetings. In addition, it would be helpful if you have
studied the fact sheets before attending one of the meetings.



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