[NFB-Idaho] FW: Winter board meeting draft agenda with zoom linkPlease send me any agenda additions. Thanks.

President NFBIDAHO pres.nfbidaho at gmail.com
Sun Jan 16 04:10:24 UTC 2022

All members are invited to participate in the board meeting. Please see
agenda and zoom link below.


From: President NFBIDAHO [mailto:pres.nfbidaho at gmail.com] 
Sent: Friday, January 14, 2022 9:24 AM
To: pres.nfbidaho at gmail.com; 'sandy streeter'; 'Erin A. Olsen'; craftisue;
treasurer at nfbidaho.org; skogsbergf at gmail.com; garrenaubrey at hotmail.com;
meganfereday91 at gmail.com; nataliemorgan at hotmail.com;
vickiebateman35 at gmail.com; pecans65 at gmail.com
Subject: Winter board meeting draft agenda with zoom linkPlease send me any
agenda additions. Thanks.


Winter Board Meeting January 17, 2022 Draft Agenda

Our board meeting will begin at 9:00 A.M.


I. Call to order: Roll call: Invocation


II. Approval of 2021 fall board meeting minutes.


III. Approval of Treasurer's report


IV. Convention 2022 discussion: convention time, safety
measures/requirements (masks), current hotel contact, should membership be
poled to assess concerns about in-person convention? what would be the
minimum number of attendees to make the in-person convention reasonable? 


V. Proposed after banquet activity


VI. Request for national representative submitted


VII. State scholarship committee report, Vickie Bateman: Should we consider
making all of our scholarships the same amount in 2023? Board ideas for
engaging more long-term scholarship winner involvement


VIII. Washington Seminar; appointment requests have been submitted, seminar
dates February 7-10: issues Access Technology Affordability Act, Transition
to Competitive Integrated Employment Act, Medical Device Nonvisual
Accessibility Act, Twenty-first Century Websites and Accessible Applications
Accessibility Act: How can we get our national legislators to buy-in?


IX. BELL Report; Alison Steven: funding our residential BELL program for


X. Funding the print addition of Gem State Milestones to use for, donors,
doctor's offices, and other outreach efforts.


XI. Report of position and committee appointments for our national office


XII. Donated services hours


XIII. Board member dues need to be current


XIV. Idaho Transportation Department and accessible transportation


XV. Accessible Prescription Labeling Model bill update 


XVI. Meeting Feedback


XVII. Adjournment




Meeting ID: 207 741 5267


Passcode: 1234554


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Meeting ID: 207 741 5267


Find your local number:  <https://zoom.us/u/axgQtFpXd>


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