[NFB-Idaho] FW: UEB Pocket Reference Books

President NFBIDAHO pres.nfbidaho at gmail.com
Fri Mar 25 17:15:19 UTC 2022

I know we have children and adults learning and reading braille. If you are
an adult, you may want to order this. This guide would be good for our BELL


From: sdi71270 at gmail.com [mailto:sdi71270 at gmail.com] 
Sent: Friday, March 25, 2022 10:22 AM
To: pres.nfbidaho at gmail.com
Subject: UEB Pocket Reference Books



Some affiliates have purchased our UEB pocket reference books to give to the
families of BELL Academy participants. These books are 3 by 5 inches and
easily fits in a pocket, purse, or backpack. We have an interpoint braille
version for those who read braille tactually. The small size makes it
manageable for both adults and little ones. We also have an ink version that
consists of print and simulated braille. Perfect for parents, friends, and
teachers. These books are great for those just learning the Braille code for
the first time, or refreshing their Braille knowledge! Each copy is $10 with
all profits benefiting blind children's literacy programs.


We would be glad to answer any questions or to send a sample page if you
would like to see what they look like. Even if your affiliate is not
interested in purchasing any books at this time, we would appreciate it if
you could help us get the word out to your chapter members.


Thank you,

Maria Morais





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