[NFB-Idaho] state board meeting this evening: reminder about tonight's NFB of Idaho board meeting
pres.nfbidaho at gmail.com
pres.nfbidaho at gmail.com
Fri Aug 18 00:49:37 UTC 2023
Below is the reminder notice I sent to our state board late this afternoon.
I apologize for the late notice. Please join if you wish.
From: pres.nfbidaho at gmail.com <pres.nfbidaho at gmail.com>
Sent: Thursday, August 17, 2023 4:51 PM
To: Dana President of NFB Idaho <pres.nfbidaho at gmail.com>;
streeter.sandy at gmail.com; ostesha2 at isu.edu; 'Susan Bradley'
<craftisue at hotmail.com>; treasurer at nfbidaho.org; 'Vickie Bateman'
<vickiebateman35 at gmail.com>; 'Natalie Morgan' <nataliemorg at hotmail.com>; 'Tj
Squires' <tj at tjsquires.net>; 'Alison Steven' <pecans65 at gmail.com>; 'Megan
Fereday' <meganfereday91 at gmail.com>; 'Fawn Owens' <fowens5 at yahoo.com>
Cc: 'Ramona' <walhoframona at gmail.com>
Subject: reminder about tonight's NFB of Idaho board meeting
We will start at 7:30 Mountain Time, 6:30Pacific time. Please review the
treasurer's report, the NFB national documents, and the two convention
proposals. We will also discuss Blindness Awareness activity and the White
Cane banquet in Idaho Falls. I apologize for the late reminder. I was busy
this week with out-of-town company. The zoom link is below.
Meeting ID: 207 741 5267
Passcode: 1234554
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Find your local number: <https://zoom.us/u/axgQtFpXd>
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