[NFB-Idaho] 2023 Winter board meeting agenda with zoom link

pres.nfbidaho at gmail.com pres.nfbidaho at gmail.com
Sun Jan 15 21:09:08 UTC 2023

Our winter board meeting will take place on zoom tomorrow at 10:00 AM
mountain time and 9:00 pacific time. The link and agenda are below. Everyone
is welcome. 

It includes the passcode and phone numbers in the event you need to call in.
Thanks See you all tomorrow.


Meeting ID: 207 741 5267


Passcode: 1234554


One tap mobile


NFB of Idaho 2023 Winter Board Meeting Agenda

January 16,2023


I.                    Call to order, Roll Call, Invocation

II.                 Approval of 2022 Fall Board Meeting Minutes.

III.              Treasurer's report

IV.              Managing assistance to members for state convention.

V.                Convention facility report

VI.              Convention speakers and proposed activities

VII.           How to advertise the convention?

VIII.        Convention fundraising activities: baskets, and auction

IX.              Current status and future of NFB of Idaho store 

X.                Scholarship committee report: Sandy Streeter

XI.              Scheduling virtual meeting for students, parents, and other
interested persons to learn about the scholarship program.

XII.           Developing an informational flier or letter to send to
parents and students about the scholarship program. 


XIII Recommendations and requirements regarding affiliate finances from our
national office. (Use of Cash, credit/debit cards etc.

XIV National convention 

XV Communications: remember to send chapter minutes to our national office,
You-Tube Videos, oral histories: Ramona Walhof  

XVI. Amazon Smile Report

XVII Follow-up to White Cane seminar

XVIII Updating our state website: Kevin Pirnie

XIX Everett Bacon has been requested as our national representative for the
state convention

XX BELL and Beyond: Alison Steven

XXI Washington seminar report 

XXII Donated services hours

XXIII meeting feedback

XXIV Adjournment 






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