[NFB-Idaho] please read this very important invitation below and plan to attend this event

pres.nfbidaho at gmail.com pres.nfbidaho at gmail.com
Thu Nov 16 00:18:44 UTC 2023

Our affiliate needs your support.

Dana Ard, President

1320 E. Washington

Boise, ID 83712

(208) 345-3906

Pres.nfbidaho at gmail.com


Dear members and friends,

As your affiliate president, in this season of Thanks Giving, I invite and
encourage you to attend a special Zoom meeting, Sunday evening, November 26
at 7:30 MST (6:30) PST, entitled, "Invest in Our Future." The purpose of
this meeting is to raise funds for our state affiliate. We need these funds
in order to continue to invest in the future for blind people in Idaho. At
this event, we will hear from some of our BELL and Beyond, and My
Environment participants. We will learn how these programs are helping them
invest in their future as blind people.

Contributions can be made either on our affiliate website,
<http://www.nfbidaho.org/donate> www.nfbidaho.org/donate, or by mailing a
check to our treasurer, Don Winiecki at 1422 E. Woodvine Ct, Boise, ID.
83706. Let's give so that our state affiliate can continue our valuable
programs to help Idaho's blind live the lives they want. Please call or
email with questions. The zoom link for the event is below.



Meeting ID: 207 741 5267

Passcode: 1234554

One tap mobile

+16699009128,,207642939#,,,,*014309# US (San Jose)


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