[NFB-Idaho] Jacobus Tenbroek now on video

Kevin Pirnie kpirnie77 at gmail.com
Tue Oct 3 06:44:02 UTC 2023


The Idaho's Blind Youtube channel is now featuring the first and only video
of Dr. Jacobus tenBroek. I have converted the audio from his 1952 banquet
address into a video.

It is a powerful speech and I encourage you to take a few minutes and
listen to it.

The Roll of the Blind in a Democratic Society by Dr. Jacobus Tenbroek 1952

 Nashville, 1952
This speech exists in three versions. In 2007, library staff found a
typescript of the speech as we assume he intended to present it. This
version was published for the first time in the Braille Monitor of July
2007. In 1952, though, radio station WSM Nashville broadcast the speech as
he delivered it at the banquet on Sunday evening, July 13. This recording
of the speech is shorter than the typed version and may be due to time
limitations of the radio broadcast. The third version of the speech was
later read on a NBC radio network broadcast.

There were 200 people in attendance at this 12 annual convention of the
National Federation of the Blind.

Let me offer an ancient and wise proverb: "If you give a person a fish, you
can feed him or her for a day. If you teach that same person how to fish,
you can feed him or her for a lifetime."

No individual in the history of the National Federation of the Blind has
taught more blind people how to fish, worked harder, loved more, or given
more generously of time, talent, energy, or resources than Dr. Jacobus

         --Marc Maurer, July 3, 1986, at the banquet of the national
convention (Kansas City, Missouri)


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