[NFB-Idaho] Something New and Exciting for Idaho's Blind

Kevin Pirnie kpirnie77 at gmail.com
Sun Oct 8 05:37:45 UTC 2023


I have started a new feature for our Idaho's Blind Youtube channel.
Beginning today I will be publishing a banquet speech from our prior
national presidents in video format each week on Sundays.

The majority of these speeches are available in audio only until now. I am
converting many of them over to video so that they can be enjoyed by a
whole new worldwide audience.

Delivered annually by our President at the national convention, the banquet
speech often delves into groundbreaking philosophical thought and results
in a rousing standing ovation.

This week we are starting of with a real rare and special banquet speech
presented by Dr. Kenneth Jernigan at Dallas, Texas in 1993.  This speech is
titled, The Nature of Independence. This particular banquet speech was
actually recorded in video format at the convention and is now available on
the Idaho's Blind YT channel here.


Many of us have recently read the Braille Monitor version and have
discussed it in various gatherings. Now the world can watch Dr. Jernigan
present it himself from the Idaho's Blind channel.

If you don't want to miss any great future videos subscribe at


If you missed last week's 1952 historic speech by Dr. Tnbroek you can watch
it here.

The Roll of the Blind in a Democratic Society

Thank you to everyone that has been filming and starring in videos. You are
what people are learning about blindness, so keep them coming!

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