[NFB-Idaho] Fwd: Two Test Cases with Ray-Ban Smart Glasses

Thompson, Joseph (joet@uidaho.edu) joet at uidaho.edu
Thu Aug 15 15:48:03 UTC 2024

If you're interested in this Smart glasses list, scroll down from Steve Cook's message and you can subscribe.
Take care,

Begin forwarded message:

From: Steve Cook <cookcafe at sc.rr.com>
Date: August 15, 2567 BE at 7:14:11 AM GMT-7
To: Angela L Griffith <mailinglists7867 at gmail.com>, smartglasses at googlegroups.com
Subject: RE: Two Test Cases with Ray-Ban Smart Glasses

Let me check to see how the settings are for our group. I will work on this next week. Steve Cook If you would like to join my Smart Glasses group in which all Smart Glasses can be discussed. Sen a message to SmartGlasses+subscribe@ googlegroups. com

Let me check to see how the settings are for our group. I will work on this next week.

Steve Cook
If you would like to join my Smart Glasses group in which all Smart Glasses can be discussed. Sen a message to SmartGlasses+subscribe at googlegroups.com<mailto:SmartGlasses+subscribe at googlegroups.com> and put Subscribe in the subject field. Then once subscribed, to send a message to the group use SmartGlasses at googlegroups.com<mailto:SmartGlasses at googlegroups.com>

From: smartglasses at googlegroups.com <smartglasses at googlegroups.com> On Behalf Of Angela L Griffith
Sent: Thursday, August 15, 2024 9:56 AM
To: smartglasses at googlegroups.com
Subject: RE: Two Test Cases with Ray-Ban Smart Glasses

I think that is a great idea!

By the way, can this list be configured so that when one replies to a message, it will default to emailing the list rather than emailing just the person who posted a message?


From: Scott Greenblatt <sgreenblatt76 at gmail.com<mailto:sgreenblatt76 at gmail.com>>
Sent: Thursday, August 15, 2024 5:47 AM
To: Angela L Griffith <mailinglists7867 at gmail.com<mailto:mailinglists7867 at gmail.com>>
Subject: Re: Two Test Cases with Ray-Ban Smart Glasses

I haven’t taken the step yet of purchasing these glasses for myself, but I’ve been eagerly following all the discussions on this list about them, and an idea just occurred to me. Since the way these glasses help us is directly controlled by how we ask specific questions to it why don’t we collect a database of all successful inquiries and how they worked in order to help each person who has these glasses learn how to better use them? I will even volunteer myself to keep track of any  examples that come into this list so I can copy and paste that text into a separate document which will be uploaded, so everyone will be able to access a list of commands  That a vision  impaired person can use with these glasses and get good results. What does everyone think?
Scott Greenblatt
Talk/text: 813-460-1606
Sgreenblatt76 at gmail.com<mailto:Sgreenblatt76 at gmail.com>
Sent from my iPhone

On Aug 14, 2024, at 3:25 PM, Angela L Griffith <mailinglists7867 at gmail.com<mailto:mailinglists7867 at gmail.com>> wrote:

In my experience, I have been able to successfully read the full text of pieces of mail. The challenge is knowing and using the exact phrase it needs, in order to give us what we need.

From: smartglasses at googlegroups.com<mailto:smartglasses at googlegroups.com> <smartglasses at googlegroups.com<mailto:smartglasses at googlegroups.com>> On Behalf Of terrieter at gmail.com<mailto:terrieter at gmail.com>
Sent: Monday, August 12, 2024 11:58 AM
To: smartglasses at googlegroups.com<mailto:smartglasses at googlegroups.com>
Subject: Two Test Cases with RayBan Smart Glasses

I currently have both the Envision Glasses and the RayBan smart glasses.
I found the RayBan glasses were quicker in identifying mail envelopes than Envision. I got through a large stack of mail and was able to put three fourths of it in the recycle pile with these glasses. However, for the mail I kept, the Envision glasses are the only solution for reading details in the documents.

Outdoors today I walked about ten blocks, stopping frequently and asking the RayBan glasses to look and tell me what you see in detail. I got some useful info, perhaps 30% of the info I would like to have gotten. Often, the glasses did not see a sign or any writing on buildings, so I was not able to identify the buildings, which I very much want to do. I did find a Karaoke Bar; Jarbo’s heating, cooling, and plumbing;  a Beastro; the tatoo parlor; the veterinarian; and a for sale sign in the window of a coffee shop I like.  However, the glasses identified a restaurant I know as The Hub as having a name with the Word Chicken in it and a Chicken logo on the front – so I am not sure I totally trust info that the glasses gave.

I plan to do a similar walk with the Envision glasses using Instant Text and  Describe Scene and Explore to see if I can get more info about the names of buildings that I pass. I will let you all know what I find.

I look forward to what others will share on this list. Is anyone using the Seleste glasses or another type?

Best wishes,
Terrie Terlau
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