[NFB-Idaho] Get to know more about our staff at NFB headquarters, the Jernigan Institute

Ramona W walhoframona at gmail.com
Tue Feb 20 19:02:34 UTC 2024

For those of you who are not watching our youtube videos daily, you may 
wish to do so.  In recent weeks there have been severl showing blind 
national staff members who most of us do not know. At least four are 
under 30 and fairly new to the staff. They come from many different 
parts of the country.   Yes, there are also some who have been around 
quite a while, as well.  And there will be more, along with more videos 
of our own members and a variety of other things.  The better you know 
these videos, the better you can use them to tell others about the NFB 
and blindness.  Colleen and Kevin have put up links, but you can see the 
new ones as they go up if you subscribe to the channel.  And don't 
forget to tell; your friends and to share some of them on other social 
media. I think we have demonstrated that we can keep it interesting, but 
the more people who we can post, the better. I would love to show every 
single member going somewhere with a white cane or guidedog.  And you 
know I could go on.



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