[Nfb-krafters-korner] trip for favorites

Blindhands at aol.com Blindhands at aol.com
Sun Apr 11 19:59:39 UTC 2010

I will have to take all of this into consideration.
I like the bake good smelly stuff like Christmas Cookies and  cinnamon.  
Wisty is a chow hound so if it smells like something to eat, she  will love it.
I use the candle tarts all the time in an electric tart warmer, that way  
nothing is burning like a candle.  I use to love the candles, but with the  
asthma now the burning candle tends to make me cough, but the electric 
warmers  don't bother me at all.  I guess the burning candle gives off some   
smell beside the good smell of the wax.  
Yankee does not make all their scented candle smells in tarts, so I have  
purchased a regular candle from them and take a knife and cut it up to put in 
my  tart warmer.  That works just as well.
I have never been to the Yankee Candle Factory before, so I am defintely  
looking forward to this trip.
I am so lucky as I have gone in the past on this particular week up to New  
Hampshire to Keepsake Quilting with my friend that is a teacher, but this 
week  she had a lot of things to do.  We usually stay over night when we go 
to  Keepsake Quilting.  My daughter gets her employee  discount for the  room 
$29  and we have such a wonderful time.  Lorraine and I have  known each 
other since the 7th grade.  I suggested we do a day trip to  Yankee and Web's 
and that fit hinto her schedule much better.  She  suggested that in May we 
go to Keepsake Quilting in New Hampshire and I was  dancing around, 2 trips 
to 3 favorite places.  What a spring  vacation!

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