[Nfb-krafters-korner] Summer Fun with Kids

Henrietta Brewer gary.brewer at comcast.net
Wed Aug 11 17:51:55 UTC 2010

It's Wednesday again. How these last few weeks of summre fly by.  We 
have a wedding in our family this weekend so I am getting ready for 
weekend company. That means three more Grand Kids to entertain.

It also means that I been cleaning  last weekend.  I have several 
print Braille childrens books to give away. If you would like some 
email me with your address

gary.brewer at comcast.net

Here is an ongoing project that is great for lots of math solutions.

Jar Lid collection

This can become a huge project or can fill a bin or box in the 
corner. But no matter how big you make it, you will go to these lids 
for all kinds of problem solving ideas.

Begin collecting jar lids and bottle tops.  Ask friends and family to 
join in the collection.  Make sure the lids are no smallerthen the 
children can handle.  If you have toddlers nothing should fit in their mouths.

Start by enjoying the sizes and colors and shapes.  Which lid is the 
smallest, largest, favorite and so on.

Next begin counting the lids. Placing them in groups of ten is a good 
idea.  Set a goal. Just how many should we collect. In a Day Care I 
worked at, we collected over ten thousand lids.

the lids make good items for crafts. Thelids from sprays like carpet 
shampoo or hair spray that have a smaller circle in the center make 
great candle holders. Place foam or clay around the center circle and 
stick fake flowers for decoration.

Peanut butter lids can have felt glued to the bottom and a picture 
glued inside for coasters.

Size and shape can be studied by glueing lids together to make 
amazing structures.

Coffee container lids make indoor frisbys.

Grab a lid to trace a circle.  Use a magnet to find out which lids 
are made of metal.  String lids with holes for a toddlers toy.

We taped our  shoes to some huge plastic lids from ice cream 
containers and used them to slide on the snow in the winter.

The most important thing is to be aware of the math and science and 
mention it as children play with the lids.

Here is a toy I usually make in the fall when plastic pumpkins are in 
the stores.

Cut a length of about eighteen inches from a large tube.  I often got 
my tubes from carpet stores.

Tie a length of rope around each end. Make sure the rope is long 
enough between the ends to wrap around a door knob a couple times.

Find small balls that slide through the tube. You can also include 
things that fit but are not round.  Match box cars are fun too.

Now get a basket with a handle or even a small pot or bowl.

Wrap the rope around the door knob twice.  Make sure your tube is on 
a slight angle.  Have one child drop an item down the highest end of 
the tube. Have another child ready to catch the ball.  Now change the 
tilt.  What happens when the tube is totally flat?  What happens if 
one child plays this game alone?  Do different items move at a 
different rate of speed?

Okay, now you are saying I am stretching it with these silly 
ideas.  Believe me, presenting these activities in a fun way will 
give you hours of entertainment for young kids.

Making a fish Bowl

I learned about this activity at a conference but changed it to fit my needs.

Actual information


Fish cut from paper and colored on both sides
Old fashion baggie with tie

Place the decorated fish in the baggie and blow into the baggie to 
fill it with air. Tie it tightly

This is your fish bowl

My changes

Cut fish from paper and decorate.

Sew a piece of fish line or thread through the fish with enough 
string to dangle from the lid of a plastic container.

I use plastic containers that held candyor treats from the bulk 
stores.  I cleaned off the label and either sewed the thread through 
the lid if it is soft plastic or taped the thread to the inside of a 
hard lid.  If I had a hard lid I would extend some of the thread over 
the edges of the plastic container and screw the lidover the 
thread.  When you move the plastic container the tiniest bit the fish 
swim. This is a great project for older children to make and giveto 
babies as soon as they are sitting.

~I wish you enough~

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