[Nfb-krafters-korner] FRIDAYS QUESTION-What craft have you always wanted

Blindhands at aol.com Blindhands at aol.com
Fri Mar 12 20:25:41 UTC 2010

Well Eileen is correct if you want to go down that pathway, but...
You can purchase fiber that is prepared, dyed, and ready to spin.  It  does 
come in different ways, example  pencil roving is prepared and about  the 
thickness of a pencil.  This is the one that is totally ready to  go.  Not 
the easiest to find, but it is on EBay and you can fidn it if you  look.  Then 
there is some that is like a heavy rope width.  This one  you might want to 
pull apart so you can make a regular yarn weight.  Then  there is  what 
comes in kinda a flat wide piece.  This one you pull  your own strips which is 
not hard to do and use them.  When you spin you  actually kinda stretch out 
the yarn by pulling it while twisting the drop  spindle.  I have only tried 
spinning once on a spinning wheel at a one on  one class and you do need to 
practice"feeding  the baby", that is what the  person kept saying to me 
while trying to pump the peddle and keep some tension  on the fiber and letting 
the fiber go through my hands.  It is like rubbing  your tummy and patting 
your head.[I can rub my tummy and pat my head a lot  better then I did the 
spinning].  Practice is not what I had much  opportunity to do.
I really want to learn more about spinning, but I have searched and  
searched on the internet and have not found much descriptive help out  there.
There is a new group of spinners that has just formed and they meet once a  
month in the next town from me.  I really want to get over there and see if 
 I can learn some drop spindle stuff.

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