[Nfb-krafters-korner] Striped cloth

Susan Roe dogwoodfarm at verizon.net
Wed Sep 29 21:20:56 UTC 2010

Okay Cindy, I'm lost here.
Explain row 2 to me:

Row 2: K1, *p3tog leaving the three stitches on the left needle 
Okay, I understand P3 and leaving the 3 stitches on the left needle and then that should leave you with those stitches on the left and the stitch you pulled through them on the right needle.

Row 2: (continued) yrn 
Okay, wrap working yarn, which is still in front from the P3tog, so that yarn is still on the front side ready for the next P3tog.  You should now have 3 stitches on the left needle and a yrn stitch and the previous stitch on the right needle.

Row 2:  (continued), purl those 3 original stitches together again and let them fall off the left needle
Okay, purl those original 3 stitches together like before and let them fall off the left needle.  You should now have 3 stitches on your right needel and none remaining on the left.

Wow, it sure is funny how it makes since when I am writing it out to you this way, yet when I first looked at it and even the second and third time, I just wasn't seeing the construction of this stitch combination whatsoever.

So, this should give you a bard or slightly bulky elongated stitch?  It almost seems like you are knitting and crocheting at the same time.  Hmmm, I'm definitely going to have to pull a pare of needles out for this one, but I will grant you this, this stitch has got my thought process working in go mode!

Susan R. 
dogwoodfarm at verizon.net 

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