[Nfb-krafters-korner] Sorry I forgot to send this...

Blindhands at aol.com Blindhands at aol.com
Thu Aug 18 15:05:21 UTC 2011

Krafters Korner
by Laura White
 Every summer the National Federation of the Blind holds its  annual
convention.  This year the convention was held at the beautiful  Rosen
Shingle Creek resort in downtown Orlando Florida.  Among the  many
committee meetings, break out sessions and exhibitions the  Krafters
Korner held its annual craft market day.
The market is put  on by the Krafters Korner as a way to bring
publicity to the group of over  125 people.  The members in the group
enjoy  a variety of crafts in  there free time including: knitting,
crocheting, spinning, safety pin  beading, soap making, wood carving,
plastic canvas, beading, jewelry making,  baking, canning etc. At the
market which was held for an entire afternoon  fellow federationists
were able to browse the marketplace for a little  something that was
handmade by members of the Krafters Korner.
Among  the merchandise was a table full of lovely beaded jewelry, a
table with hand  knitted hats and coffee cup cozies, a table with
plastic canvas key chains  and much much more.  While at the market
federationists could renew  there membership, talk to the people who
made the itemsfor sale or become a  member for the first time.
The NFB Krafters Korner not only holds an  annual market day but they
have a general meeting as well.  At there  meeting members can come to
discuss upcoming classes they want for the next  year, pay member dues,
elect the officers of the group and get to know the  other members of
the group.  For the Krafters Korner membership dues are  10 dollars and
your membership lasts from July to July.  Classes are  taught via
telephone conference call and during the annual meeting members  are
able to offer up suggestions for future classes that they wish to  see
taught in the upcoming year. Some of the classes that have been  taught
in the past include: a learn to knit class, a learn to crochet  class,
safety pin beading, soap making, a knitted baby sweater and much  much
During  the meeting the members also elect officers  to serve for the
upcoming year.  This year our officers are: Joyce Kane  President,
Cindy Sheets first Vice President, Laurie Porter second  Vice
President, Diane Philip Treasurer and Ramona Walhof as the  newly
elected  Secretary. Our newly elected board members are Linda  Anderson
and Cindy Zimmer.  To find out more about the Krafters Korner  or to
join the mailing list go to: _www.krafterskorner.org_ 

Joyce  Kane
_www.KraftersKorner.org_ (http://www.krafterskorner.org/) 
Blindhands at AOL.com 

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