[Nfb-krafters-korner] Merry Christmas

Zimmer, Cindy cindy.zimmer at nebraska.gov
Fri Dec 23 14:27:58 UTC 2011

[cid:EDB684EDEC334001A7010C1552620ED3 at theresaPC]

[cid:38238DC2C5024AD38CFB7664056E48BD at theresaPC]
I have a list of people
All written in a book -
And every year at Christmas time
I go and take a look.

 And that is when I realize
That those names are all a part -
Not of the book they're written in
But of my very heart.

[cid:B08174CAD6D847309BC8F2CDDA735614 at theresaPC]

For each name stands for someone
Who has crossed my path some time -
And in that meeting they've become
A treasured friend of mine.

And once you've met some people
the years can not erase -
The memory of a pleasant word
Or of a friendly face.
[cid:841A3928C96D42EB8ABB73BEF499431F at theresaPC]

So when I send an email
That is addressed to you -
It's because you're on that 'Special  list'
Of folk that I'm indebted to.
And you are one of several folks
In times past that I've met -
And happen to be one of those
I don't want ever to forget.

And whether I have known you
For many years or few -
In some way you have had a part
In shaping things I do.

So this is the Spirit of Christmas

That forever still endures -
May it leave its richest blessing
In the hearts of you and yours.

[cid:62DF175CE7D6481AB786D518359A5BF9 at theresaPC]

[cid:99FF8F4790FC46A8BFD5829FBE8E6360 at theresaPC]
[cid:7AB7D7273DBF4B4ABF843DF64AE79907 at theresaPC]

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