[Nfb-krafters-korner] O. T. Good News Another Goal Achieved

Henry Osborne nascaryarnman at gmail.com
Tue Apr 16 04:43:15 UTC 2013

Hi All,
On Sunday afternoon, I took my vows and became a Fourth Degree Member of the Knights of Columbus.
This is the highest rank that one can achieve in this organization.
My new and permanent title is Sir Knight Henry Osborne Jr.
I can sign anything with this title, or the initials S.K. which I will be doing here from now on.
Sophie also received the title Dame Sophie, she is the first ever guide dog to receive this title, and to be made an honorary Fourth Degree Member of the Knights of Columbus here in Connecticut.
Of course,this news does not overshadow the tragedy that happened in Boston.
Charlotte, praise God that your husband is safe. May God Bless those who were injured, and their families, and may He also be with the families and friends and souls of those who were killed.
Sir Knight Henry and Dame Sophie 

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