[Nfb-krafters-korner] Look everybody, no seam!

Cathy flowersandherbs at gmail.com
Wed Oct 2 21:21:27 UTC 2013

Hi Paulette,

I am looking forward to your class. I have signed up, but it was a difficult
decision because I had to choose between my garden club meeting and your
class. But your class won out. Now all I have to do is finish one of my
needle knit projects so I have a second pair of circulars available for the
hat. I have a hand towel on one set and the short-row scarf on another.
Since the towel is nearing completion, I will focus on finishing that one. I
have a third set free so that is good.

Joyce taught a class on knitting with two circulars to make a mitten and I
got the hang of that, although I never finished the project because I kept
dropping stitches! Hopefully, I will do better on the hat. <smile>

By the way, The short-row scarf is coming along just great.

See you next week.


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