[Nfb-krafters-korner] {Disarmed} Fwd: The En-Light-ener -- September 2013

Blindhands at aol.com Blindhands at aol.com
Thu Sep 26 20:19:04 UTC 2013

This is a newsletter that I have been getting for a long time regarding  
candles.  I have had some questions recently regarding candles, so this  might 
be interesting for you.  I also have gotten candle supplies from  them.  
The beginning of the new year is the best time to purchase wicks from this  
company if you are looking for large amounts at excellent prices.  They  
sell them I think by the pound.
Joyce  Kane
_www.KraftersKorner.org_ (http://www.krafterskorner.org/) 
Blindhands at AOL.com   

 From: list at candlewic.com
Reply-to: wax-n-wic at list.candlewic.com
To:  Blindhands at aol.com
Sent: 9/26/2013 8:27:32 A.M. Eastern Daylight  Time
Subj: The En-Light-ener -- September 2013

 _Home_ (http://list.candlewic.com/t/6329883/3365805/61734/24/)    _Sales_ 
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(http://list.candlewic.com/t/6329883/3365805/61739/31/)   _Soap Making Supplies_ 
"The En-Light-ener"
Candle Making  Newsletter  
Choosing the Right Wax 
September is always associated with back to school as students  head back 
to the classroom at all levels. For some students going  back to school is 
just routine and the classes merely change. For  others it is a completely new 
school, new studying techniques or  grading system.  
As a candle maker we recommend treating September as "Back to  Candle 
Making". It is a great time to reacquaint yourself with all  of the waxes 
available and if you act quickly time to test the  various waxes. If you are just 
starting out this should be a great  summary of all the waxes available. As 
supplement to this article  we also recommend you _view  this video_ 
(http://list.candlewic.com/t/6329883/3365805/56572/33/)  which summarizes the 
various wax types.  
In general we try to break the waxes into several categories:  
    *   straight waxes  
    *   blended waxes  
    *   natural waxes  
    *   and then a subcategory of granulated wax 
Straight Wax for Candle Making
_Straight  waxes, also known as paraffin wax_ 
(http://list.candlewic.com/t/6329883/3365805/61741/34/) , do not have any additives  and are what many 
blends start with. These are used in many other  applications and in most 
instances the most cost-effective  product. The type of candles you make will 
dictate the melt point  of the wax you use.  
For containers a melt point of 121-129 °F is ideal for this  application. 
You can make a very good container by using any waxes  with these melt points 
and then adding a very small (no more then  1%) of _Vybar  260_ 
(http://list.candlewic.com/t/6329883/3365805/61742/35/) . To enhance the wax you can 
even add 5% of _Micro  180_ 
(http://list.candlewic.com/t/6329883/3365805/61743/36/)  to this wax.  
For votives the ideal wax melt point would be 130-142°F. You  can make a 
nice votive by adding some _Vybar  103_ 
(http://list.candlewic.com/t/6329883/3365805/61744/37/)  (no more then 1%) and maybe something like 5% _Stearic  
Acid_ (http://list.candlewic.com/t/6329883/3365805/61745/38/) .  
For pillars it is best to use waxes 137-150°F. If you plan on  putting a 
great deal of fragrance adding something like vybar and  Micro will make for 
an excellent formulation. The nice thing about  using straight waxes is that 
you can constantly tweak your formula  and find that special look. The other 
added advantage is that in  most instances this will allow you to purchase 
at the most  economical means.  
Candle Wax Blends
If you are starting out  and want to simplify your process then blends are 
the best way to  go for your operation. Blends are a combination of the 
paraffin  waxes and then various components such as Micro's and Petrolatum's  
are used. In most instances the manufacturer will not provide the  formulation 
to the end user. Blends are an excellent option in  that all you will need 
to do is add your color, fragrance and UV  inhibitors.  
The shortcomings of blends are that in most instances they have  to be 
developed for a wide range of applications so if you are  adding a little less 
fragrance then the manufacturer is  recommending, you may not get the exact 
results you desire.  Another flaw with blends is that if problems develop, it 
can be  difficult to troubleshoot without knowing what the components of  
the particular blend.  
The next category would be the Natural Waxes and we include in  this 
selection Soy, Palm, Beeswax and Bayberry. Without doubt Soy  wax is continuing to 
grow in popularity.  
Soy Wax
The  first wax we will feature is soy. _Soy  wax_ 
(http://list.candlewic.com/t/6329883/3365805/61746/39/)  is simply hydrogenated soybean oil and the 
best  application for this wax is in containers. When using _soy  wax_ 
(http://list.candlewic.com/t/6329883/3365805/61746/40/)  it is important to note 
that there is definitely  performance and appearance differences between 
paraffin wax and  wax and _soy  wax_ 
(http://list.candlewic.com/t/6329883/3365805/61746/41/) .  
    *   First and foremost is the appearance of the candle. _Soy  wax_ 
(http://list.candlewic.com/t/6329883/3365805/61746/42/)  in general produces 
candles that have a "flat" or pastel  shade to the candle. This can play very 
well to the scents used;  in the fall nothing is better than harvest colors 
and  fragrances.  
    *   _Soy  wax_ (http://list.candlewic.com/t/6329883/3365805/61746/43/)  
will always require more dye to get to the desired  color.  
    *   It is as close to one a pour wax as exists in the market. It  will 
still require some topping off if poured too hot or if the  container is too 
    *   Another very positive feature of the _soy  wax_ 
(http://list.candlewic.com/t/6329883/3365805/61746/44/)  is that the pouring temperatures have 
less impact on the  finished candle than paraffin waxes.  
    *   Depending on the scent load you are using, in most instances  no 
special additives will be needed. 
By now you have to be asking yourself if it is that good then  why not just 
switch to this wax while I read this article? The  main reason is that the 
scent throw that candle makers achieve  with paraffin just cannot be at the 
same level when using soy wax.  As these waxes get better at scent throw or 
fragrance companies  improve the scent throw that can be achieved, the soy 
market will  continue to grow.  
Palm Wax
The other natural wax to consider  would be the _Palm  wax_ 
(http://list.candlewic.com/t/6329883/3365805/60170/45/) . This wax is produced by 
hydrogenated Palm Oils. These  waxes are great because of the unique textures which 
can be  produced with these waxes. In most instances there is a  
crystallizing pattern which is available for both containers and  freestanding candles. 
In addition there is a feathering pattern  which is available for free 
standing candles.  
One of the best natural waxes we offer is the _CSP  wax_ 
(http://list.candlewic.com/t/6329883/3365805/49401/46/) . This is an all natural blend of soy 
and palm wax which  creates a very nice creamy finish. This wax is excellent 
for  pillars, votives and tarts.  
Beeswax Candles
The other natural wax which  is commonly used and has been for hundreds of 
year is beeswax.  This product is used in all type of candles including 
tapers,  pillar, votives and even containers. Beeswax is one of the best  all 
around waxes on the market.  
Granulated Wax
The final type of wax which  is used more for crafting and easy candle 
making is the _granulated  wax_ 
(http://list.candlewic.com/t/6329883/3365805/61747/47/) . This wax is a 140 Melt point paraffin that is formed into  little 
beads. These beads can easily be poured into containers and  a wick inserted 
for an instant candle. This activity is great if  you own a candle shop, if 
you teach classes or when you do shows  it is an activity the kids would 
want to do while the parents shop  your candle selection. No matter which wax 
you are currently using  it always helps to know what options are available 
if you are  adding another line or looking to change things up.    Hi! I'm 
I can help you
_learn  how to make candles_ 
(http://list.candlewic.com/t/6329883/3365805/61748/48/) .  
How do I determine the burn time of my  candle? 
One of the important elements when marketing a candle (besides  the candle 
itself) is the burn time. Each candle company has  different burning rates 
depending on the waxes used and the size  of the wick. In order to properly 
determine the burn time of a  candle, the following procedure should be used: 
    1.  Light the candle and let burn for four hours. At the  conclusion of 
this time, blow out the candle.  
    2.  Wait one hour. Then trim the wick and relight for four  additional 
    3.  Repeat this procedure until the candle is consumed.  
    4.  Record how many hours you burned the candle. 
This will give you a standard burn time at which you can market  the 
candle. Many times consumers will let the candle burn  continuously. This will not 
allow the candle to obtain the maximum  burn time.  
Ancient Egyptians recognized the  value of beeswax as a preservative, and 
early Romans fashioned  coins from beeswax to pay their taxes. Invention of 
the candle  dates back to about 400 B.C., but the idea to use beeswax to form 
 candles didn't emerge until the Middle Ages. Source: 
_http://www.wisegeek.com_ (http://list.candlewic.com/t/6329883/3365805/52107/49/)    
Editor Note: Boy weren't the good old days great. If only I  could pay my 
taxes with beeswax now.  
September 2013 

Featured  Project:
Customization Made  Easy 

Have you noticed an item in your home that you thought  would make a unique 
candle and/or soap mold? Did you then  realize that making the mold was a 
difficult and costly  endeavor? This was truly the case until _Miracle  Mold 
Material (M3)_ (http://list.candlewic.com/t/6329883/3365805/59721/50/)  came 
We have selected a flower to use for this project, but  you can use any 
similar object. The best project to get  started with should be simple, until 
you learn how to work  with the material.  
Step 1
Take equal part of the  material (again, starting with something small and 
only  using a small portion of the material). One is an ivory  color and the 
other is yellow. Mix them together thoroughly  by hand. You will know they 
are mixed together thoroughly  when the material is a consistent yellow with 
no streaks.  You will have to work fast because the material will start  to 
set in about 5 minutes.  
Step 2
Take the material and form it  around the flower. Make sure you apply 
pressure throughout  the object and that there is some level of thickness to the  
material around the object. Depending on what the object is,  leave the 
bottom of the object open so you can pour the  wax/soap base into the complete 
mold. The thicker the  molding material is, the more durable the mold will 
be in  the future.  
Step 3
Once you have the material  uniformly covered (leaving the bottom open), 
take the bottom  of the mold/top of the candle and gently flatten it out so  
the mold will rest flat.  
Step 4
Let the product set, which  generally takes 30-40 minutes, and then remove 
your object  from the material. You now have your finished mold, and you  
can take the wax and pour it into the mold.  
    *   Make your own custom candle and soap molds that are  great for 
weddings, baby showers and other special events.   
    *   Make your own embeds.  
    *   Easy to mix by hand.  
    *   No waste of materials - only mold to the level of the  desired 
thickness of the mold.  
    *   Very fast set-up time; no need to wait overnight to  use.  
    *   Can be used with wax or soap 
Join Us Online   









We hope you  enjoyed this issue of the En-Light-ener. 
Thank you for your  continued interest and support. 
Our goal is to make this  newsletter as entertaining and educational as 
_Let us know_ (mailto:info at candlewic.com)  if you have any  ideas on how we 
can improve.    Candlewic Company
3765 Old  Easton Road
Doylestown, Pennsylvania  18901
800-368-3352   (http://list.candlewic.com/t/6329883/3365805/61749/64/)  
(http://list.candlewic.com/t/6329883/3365805/53036/65/) You  are subscribed to 
wax-n-wic as  Blindhands at aol.com. To unsubscribe, _click  here._ 


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