[Nfb-krafters-korner] O T Congratulations to My Huskies

Henry Osborne hosbornejr at gmail.com
Thu Apr 7 17:37:22 UTC 2016

Hi Everyone, Sophie here.
Daddy said that since the list is so quiet, I could write a short note and maybe not get into trouble for taking up space here.
Daddy and I are so happy because the University of Ct. Lady Huskies won their big basketball championship game.
They’re our favorite college team. Mrs. Kane’s Mommy likes them too, right Mrs. Kane? Say hi to your Mommy for us please.
Daddy is going to make me a blue and white sweater,that’s the team colors. I don’t know if he’s going to knit or crochet it..
Oh oh, gotta go, here comes Daddy.
I love you all, bye bye!

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