[Nfb-krafters-korner] Crazy Blind lady

blindhands at aol.com blindhands at aol.com
Mon Jan 18 00:03:00 UTC 2016

Well some of you I told last week about me having this graphic design
contest.  For those who didn't hear this let me tell you a little.

I needed a digital grapic  design created so I could have it printed on
fabric.  I did search and search trying to find someone to do just that.  I
figured with Facebook and all that stuff, where could I post and ask if
there was someone out there interested in doing it.

I sent emails to colleges that had courses on graphic designs asking maybe
if students would be willing.  I posted on websites that had online courses
for design and heard back nothing.

In my search I came across Freelance.com   This is a place that #1. You can
hire someone to do all types of jobs, like design a website, professionally
write a brochure, make a flyer, do data entry work, design using CADD
program, make an animation on your website, etc.

They also had this contest thing.  You could describe what you want done and
what type of programs you wanted them to use andyou offered a cash prize.
So I wrote this up, set it for one week and put $30 for the prize and had to
pay $1.10 for posting the contest.

Tonight was the end of 1 week and I got 20 entries.  Now the problem was I
can't see the graphics and I should have been more organized with this and
had some folks to help out and take a look for me.  I did send it out to
Cindy Z., a couple of my friends, a designer that I had purchased her fabric
design from and my Granddaughter.  I had gotten #19 & 20 today  This
afternoon I had to get my son to drive his daughter over here to tell me
what those last 2 looked like.  She helped me pick the winner which was a
man living in Chennai India.  He took one of his entries and changed it
around a little more from my suggestions.  

The deal is I sign something on the internet and he signs it, too after a
file is released to me and I OK it and get paperwork that the design is mine
and he gets paid.

I had heard something that someone starting up his business wanted a logo
and business card designed and he did this contest.  

So see you don't have to know how to do everything and with even a blind
person can dance their fingers across a keyboard and do some things you
never thought you could do.

I can't wait until I get the samples of my cloth pade up and show off.


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