[Nfb-krafters-korner] note for loom knit beaded necklace students

Cathy flowersandherbs at gmail.com
Mon Jan 25 21:10:11 UTC 2016

Hi Cindy,
I honestly have no idea. You are welcome to sign up and come and listen in
to the class and see if you can figure out if it is possible. I have only
recently moved up to the intermediate knitter stage, and have no idea how to
make an I-cord with needles.
Since we will be using wire in this class one has to wonder if you can knit
wire with needles?
The spool looms are inexpensive if you'd like to purchase one and give this
a try. They are really unique and pretty.
I purchased the Clover Wonder knitter but this is only one option for spool

Cathy F

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