[Nfb-krafters-korner] Let's get moving around here

blindhands at aol.com blindhands at aol.com
Tue Oct 11 20:24:14 UTC 2016

It takes a lot to plan a Holiday Party and we all had a good time last year
and it really worked out so well.

December is not that far off.  November is a lot closer, so what is the
delay here?
 Maybe we need, those of you who joined us last year, needs to send an email
to this list and chat up what you enjoyed, what surprised you, what did you
contribute to the party and what did you get if you participated in the gift
exchange?  Last, did your four legged friends or working animal join in for
the exchange?

Dig back in that mind of yours and answer these questions.

We have 12 folks who signed up for the party so far.  Terry told me not many
2 legged folks or 4 legged friends have sent info in for the gift exchange.
So what are you waiting for?  Come on now get moving...

Be sure to get over to our website:


and sign up for the party and send Terry K. your name, address, phone number
and what might you like for a gift.  If you have a furry friend that has 4
legs do join in for a treat for them, too.

Send your message to regarding the gift exchange:
Terry Knox <tknox6 at sc.rr.com>


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