[Nfb-krafters-korner] Save on your membership

Terry tknox6 at sc.rr.com
Wed May 24 14:49:49 UTC 2017

About to close. This benefit for members is soon closing, do not miss out.
Any current member that has a new person sign up for this year's membership
will receive $5.00 from their 2017 membership dues. If you have a friend or
anyone you have spoken to about Krafters and they want to join this year.
Please have them list you as the referring person at their sign up time.
When they do this you will be sent a notice and you will receive a form to
be printed out and sent along with your dues to credit you of $5 from your
dues. You can receive up to 4 forms or have your dues paid for the year. If
you have any questions please post to the list. Remember closing soon, June
15, the middle of our dues paying month. Free is good.


Terry Knox

Membership Committee

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