[Nfb-krafters-korner] please answer the Wednesday question in order to help others

Cathy Flesher flowersandherbs at gmail.com
Wed Nov 1 19:04:45 UTC 2017

Hi all,


I love the idea of encouraging a newly blinded person to have the confidence
to try something new. One of the best ways to accomplish this is to share
our own experiences with someone who has "been there, done that."


So, my story is that I was born with low vision so it was my life. I had
parents who encouraged by natural desire to be independent. I first  became
interested in crafts as a teenager when my sister decided to learn how to
crochet a blanket. I tried to learn from her, but was not successful at that
time. so I tried knitting instead. For whatever reason I was able to master
the knit stitch and created a patchwork blanket from small knitted squares.


My personal feeling is that there are a few things that combine to allow
someone the ability to learn a new craft. First is the desire to want to
learn. That motivation is very important. The second component is having a
good teacher. By this, I mean a teacher who is able to communicate how to
create the craft with words and encouragement. The third component is
physical dexterity. Folks have this to different degrees, so some crafts
might be better for one person and other crafts for another. for example, I
have tried to make jewelry and have come to the conclusion after giving it a
trial period and have decided it is not the craft for me. Those little beads
are just too small for me to handle without dropping them. the beading
needle is always poking my fingers which I do not like. but some folks don't
have these issues and love jewelry making without their sight. Me, I'm a
yarnaholic," as we like to say. <<smile> I take crochet, needle knitting and
loom knitting classes and am constantly learning more and more about the
crafts I love. 



I hope that my post has been of encouragement to someone on this list.



Have a great day!!

Cathy F


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