[Nfb-krafters-korner] previously offered classes, was, Want To Know Wednesday 11/29/17

Cathy Flesher flowersandherbs at gmail.com
Wed Nov 29 19:17:32 UTC 2017

Hello Nella and all,

This question has reminded me that I have not shared some good news about
our website. The website committee decided that the list of classes
previously offered which is located on our Archived Classes page, needed to
be updated to make it easier for folks to find classes previously offered in
the craft category of their specific interest. It was only a few days ago
that I finished the updates we planned for this page. now, when you go to
the archived classes page you will find links to a variety of craft
categories, making it much easier to find out about classes previously
offered in the particular craft of your interest. 

So before answering this question, you might wish to take a peek at our new
archived classes page. Here is the link.


as for my answer to the questions:
Becky would you be willing to teach beginner cro-hooking again? I never
quite got the hang of it but would like to try learning again.
I don't honestly know of something I'd like to learn that has never been
taught. Instead, the way it has worked for me is that a class was offered in
something I'd never done before and I decided to give it a try.
Loom-knitting and safety pin beading come to mind.
Have a great day!!
Cathy F

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