[NFB-Krafters-Korner] [NFB KraftersKorner] Ideas for numbering and organizing needles.

Cathy Flesher flowersandherbs at gmail.com
Thu Aug 9 00:11:53 UTC 2018

Hi Judy,

I don't have straight needles because I prefer circs, but one idea might be
to take an index card and braille the size on the card. Then punch two holes
in the card and slip the needles in down to the stoppers. Then lay them down
in a drawer. 

Good thing you have the needle gauge. I love mine since I am not that strict
about putting my needles back in their labeled plastic bags.  

I enjoy knitting and have learned much about the craft here. I also like to
loom knit, crochet, macrame and latch hook. I have taught classes in all of
these crafts and enjoy sharing what I have learned with others.

Enjoy knitting your seed stitch blanket. 
Make this a wonderful day!
Cathy F

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