[Nfb-krafters-korner] Points 4 Contest

blindhands at aol.com blindhands at aol.com
Fri Feb 9 23:24:41 UTC 2018

We are in February now:  Here are some points you can get.
Send a pattern for slippers in any form of making it to:
kkcontests2007 at gmail.com receive 100 points & teach a class before May 15th
and you will earn an additional 200 points for teaching it and you are not
done yet.  Promote that class and take attendance at the class & submit that
list into kkcontests2007 at gmail.com and received an additional 10 points per
  So you still have March, April & May.
Did you answer Wednesday's question     get more points.  Did you put in a
topic for Wednesday  question and was it picked?  Host a Monday Night Chat.
Have you taken a class yet- send in a recommendation  to the teacher & a
pattern in any form of making it to and you get 100 points.

So there you go.  Each month we ask for you to send in to: a pattern in any
form of making it to a pattern [each month is different] Jan.-mittens,
Feb.-slippers, March-Candy, April-any craft, May-Fun in the Sun!

We hope to gather these patterns and make up a pattern book to share with
each other.  Please if you got the pattern off the internet include the
author &website.


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