[Nfb-krafters-korner] Excitement Coming

Terry tknox6 at sc.rr.com
Wed Jan 31 20:30:33 UTC 2018

Hello Everyone,


Only one day left until this month is over. Hope you all have been reading
the List serve to see all the new and exciting things coming this month.
Please tell your friends to go to our website, www.krafterskorner.org and
look at all the new things happening here and coming up. Where can you get
this much for being a member. We have everything from Making Barbie clothes
without sewing to Feeding the Birds, not even mentioning Dish Cloths, Pony
Beads and so much more that everyone does not want to miss. This month
starts the Movement to 2018 Convention and you will hear a great deal more
about this for you to think about. Our Celebration contest starts again and
we Roll out both the Kane Brewer fund and Early Bird Specials real soon. We
need each of you to reach out to make the 2018 Tenth year for Krafters the
best you can. Start thinking how you can help, get involved and lets have a
strong showing for the year and convention. Please feel free to post to the
list, any classes you would like to see offered, ideas and suggestions
and/or your comments that might be used to tell others about Krafters.


Terry Knox

Membership Chairperson

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