[Nfb-krafters-korner] Do you know? Kane Brewer Fund

Terry tknox6 at sc.rr.com
Mon Mar 5 20:47:01 UTC 2018

Important Information to Members, List Serve Members and All Others,


If you are new here at Krafters you might not know that we have a very
special fund to help those who would like to join Krrafters and the
membership dues might be a problems for them. The fund is the Kane Brewer
Fund and below is a little information about the fund, how and why it was
started and how it might help you. Please read this information below and if
you need more information or would like to apply please send me an email off
list for this information or any questions.



Kane - Brewer Membership Fund

This fund was established in memory of John Kane and Dan Brewer, for their
overwhelming support and encouragement. These two individuals recognized the
importance of crafting in the lives of others. Through their dedication,
they inspired us all to share our creativity and abilities with others.

The Kane - Brewer Membership Fund Is a unique opportunity for you to help
introduce or expand the knowledge of crafting to persons who would otherwise
be unable to fund their NFB Krafters Division membership dues. Applications
( held in confidence) for this assistance will be accepted during the month
of April each year. The applications will be reviewed in May by the
membership committee and recipients will be notified in June of the same

If you would like to help others embark on their journey of crafting, this
fund is an excellent opportunity.

Donations can be made by PayPal 

Or checks sent directly by mail to our treasurer.

If you would like to personalize your donation, you may submit it in memory,
in recognition, or in honor. For instance, you might want to donate in
memory of a passing, commemorate a special event, express gratitude, or
publicly acknowledge a job well done. Also for those who have   beloved
animals, feel free to express your love in this manner. These
acknowledgements will be displayed on the NFB Krafters Division Page of
Honor (the special recognition page.)


Terry Knox

Membership Chairperson

Tknox6 at sc.rr.com


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