[NFB-Krafters-Korner] great time to join the Krafters Division

flowersandherbs at gmail.com flowersandherbs at gmail.com
Thu Apr 25 17:02:24 UTC 2019

Hello all,


Have you been considering joining the NFB Krafters Division? If so, now is a
wonderful time to do so! Normally, the cost of membership is $20 per year
and membership runs from July through June. By joining between March first
and June thirtieth you can receive up to four months free. 


What are the benefits of joining the division?

*	Take as many of our classes per year as you would like.
*	Rent tables at a discounted price at the NFB national convention
where you can sell your homemade crafts.
*	Vote on issues related to the running of the Division, during
meetings which are held several times per year via conference call.


Are you ready to join the NFB Krafters Division? If so, there are three ways
you can pay.


Use your PayPal account or a credit card by going to the

 <https://www.krafterskorner.org/membership/> membership page 

and use the PayPal button.


If you would prefer to pay by check. Please contact our Treasurer Cathy for
her home address.

 <mailto:krafterskornertreasurer at gmail.com>
mailto:krafterskornertreasurer at gmail.com



Treasurer and membership Committee



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