[NFB-Krafters-Korner] Join us tonight!

Courtney F. Smith cmfulghum at gmail.com
Tue Oct 8 05:00:30 UTC 2019

Beginner Loom Knitting Monthly Class
Class name, Beginner Loom Knitting Monthly Class

Craft type, loom knitting

Class format, phone

Class date, class begins on September 10 and is ongoing, the second Tuesday
of every month.

time,10:00 p.m. Eastern

Sign up deadline,none, sign up anytime!

Class description:

Grab your looms & some yarn & join us the second Tuesday of each month to
learn how to use a knitting loom, loom knit stitches, stitch patterns &
anything else you want to learn as it relates to loom knitting! You will be
given a pattern for a small loom project where you can practice a new
stitch or technique.
Skills needed:

Supply list:

   - Skein of Chunky weight yarn
   - large gauge, 5/8 -inch peg spacing looms.
   - Loom tool
   - scissors

(Note, the set of four looms can be purchased for around $20 or less at
most craft stores.) Please see example list below:
~~ Michael’s — Loops & Threads brand
~~ Hobby Lobby — Yarnology brand
~~ Joann, Walmart, Amazon — Boye brand (Consider using these as last resort.


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