[NFB-Krafters-Korner] General Meeting reminder#2

Tammy Freitag ms.sunflower61 at gmail.com
Mon Oct 28 03:08:15 UTC 2019

Come join us on October 28, 2019 at 7:30P.M. *EST for a Genteral
Meeting of ALL Members of Krafters Korner.

Phone# : 605 475 4000
Access Code: 966659#

***Meeting Courtesy***
This meeting will be recorded for Dixie's use only.  This ensures that
the minutes are as correct as possible.  As a courtesy to the
Secretary and any speaker, please mute your phone using *6. If you
have a question, use *6 to unmute and then say your name.  Please wait
to be recognized by me before you start speaking. We would like to
give you an opportunity to ask your questions and this is the only way
we can do this.  We want to be respectful of each other and give
everybody that has a question or suggestion an opportunity to share.

This will sure help Dixie when she transcribes her notes.  We do value
your input and want to be sure you are heard.

Your help is greatly appreciated!

If you are not a member but are interested, please come join us.  You
are welcome!

See you Monday evening.

Independence is yours .  Are you willing to reach for it?

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