[NFB-Krafters-Korner] Quilting class folks

blindhands at aol.com blindhands at aol.com
Tue Aug 18 23:55:36 UTC 2020

For those of you who might be ahead of the rest of the folks, I do have some
homework for you.  DO NOT feel that those others  who might be as far as
some of you have to do this!!!


As I will go over at the end of the class about attaching the binding.  As I
do feel going over this more than once will be a benefit to all.


I would like you to first measure around your placemat outer edge.  Be


Put 2 strips together right sides facing together and sew a ¼” seam
allowance across the 2 1/2'” strip side.  Trim seam and press seam open.  

I then want you to press these strips Wrong sides – let me say this one more
time -wrong sides together and fold in half going down the 44”   So you will
be having 44” by 1 ¼” 


You will need 2 strips for each placemat for binding.


Joyce Kane

Kane Kids Shop




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