[NFB-Krafters-Korner] OT Henry: Great Grand baby

Cathy Miller guillcat at gmail.com
Tue Feb 4 15:57:05 UTC 2020

Hi Henry,
Randy and I are expecting a boy for our first great grand child.  Goodness Gracious, I’m not old enough!  The blanket I’m crocheting in blue is the proto type for our group project.  I’m making it from 7 by 9 inch rectangles to work out the errors in my technique.  So far I have two rectangles made, but the rectangles are converting themselves into triangles as they develop.  And if I try to correct this, the rows grow wider.  Either I am increasing or decreasing at the beginning or end of the rows, and I’m trying to learn to correct that.  Jeanette is coaching me.  The baby is due this month, and I’m not sure I’ll have it ready.

The name chosen for the baby is Cecil.  No clue how our grand daughter arrived at this name, but little Cecil will be a blessing to our family.

Cathy Miller in Louisiana

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